Course Detail

Struts Language Courses

Struts Language Courses - SourceKode Institute

Course Detail

Course Description

Java commonly referred to as the father of all programming languages is a very important and highly trending course at SourceKode Institute. It involves object oriented programming and is used to master additional softwares in web, desktop serverside as well as in mobility.

Java was designed to be easy to use and is therefore easy to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages. Java allows you to create modular programs and reusable code.

It is one of the best languages for beginners to learn. It is also opensource and free to use, hence it’s adopted by many companies world-wide.


Struts Syllabus:


Advance Java And Frameworks

  • Lesson 1. What is Advanced Java
  • Lesson 2. Why learn Advanced Java
  • Lesson 3. Scope of Advanced Java
  • Lesson 4. Merits and Demerits of learning Advanced Java
  • Lesson 5. Quick Brush-up of Core Java
  • Lesson 6. What are Java Frameworks
  • Lesson 7. Why use Java Frameworks

Advance JDBC Concepts

  • Lesson 1. CallableStatement
  • Lesson 2. ResultSet
  • Lesson 3. ResultSet Meta-Data
  • Lesson 4. Database Meta-Data
  • Lesson 5. Transactions in JDBC
  • Lesson 6. Connected & Disconnected Architecture(JDBCRowset, CachedRowSet)

Introduction to Struts

  • Lesson 1. What is a Web Framework
  • Lesson 2. Limitations of JSP/Servlet Coding
  • Lesson 3. MVC1 v/s MVC2
  • Lesson 4. What is Struts
  • Lesson 5. Invasive v/s Non-invasive Frameworks
  • Lesson 6. Modules in Struts 2
  • Lesson 7. Request Processing Lifecycle
  • Lesson 8. Struts1 v/s Struts2
  • Lesson 9. Advantages of Struts2

Struts2 MVC Architecture

  • Lesson 1. Actions Commponent
  • Lesson 2. Results & Result Types
  • Lesson 3. The Value Stack

Action Classes

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to Action Class
  • Lesson 2. Characteristics Of Action Class
  • Lesson 3. ActionSupport Class
  • Lesson 4. Action Interface

Handling Application Requests

  • Lesson 1. Handling Form Data
  • Lesson 2. Struts2 Form
  • Lesson 3. JavaBean Class
  • Lesson 4. Success Page
  • Lesson 5. Configuring Struts2

Deployment Descriptors

  • Lesson 1. The web.xml file
  • Lesson 2. The struts.xml file
  • Lesson 3. The struts-config.xml file
  • Lesson 4. The file

Syllabus Updates : We keep adding upgrading our syllabus every 6-12 months to accommodate for advancement. Some topics can be omitted from syllabus without prior notice as they might be redundant or not relevant to the batch being trained. You can request a Topic.

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Courses Conducted At SourceKode Training Institute Include Digital Marketing,Java,Software Testing,Dot Net,C Programming And Javascript/Jquery.   About SourceKode Computer Software Training Institute Pune, India.   SourceKode... Read More

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