Course Detail

Spring Course

Spring Course - CJC

Course Detail

  • Location:
    Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Institute:
  • Education Type(s):
  • Education Level:
  • Qualifications:
  • Payments Options:
  • Study Materials:
    Yes - Provided by Institute
  • Hostel/PG Facilities:
  • Placement Facilities:

Course Description

Spring -

Spring IOC-

� What is Spring

� Spring Modules

� What is IOC

� Dependency Injection

      o Setter Based

      o Constructor Based

� Spring IOC Container

      o Core Container

      o Advance /J2EE Container

      o Setter Based XML & Java Based:-

      o {Primitive,Secondary,Array,Collection,Injection}

      o Constructor Based XML & Java Based:-

      o {Primitive,Secondary,Array,Collection,Injection}

� Autowiring

� Spring Bean life Cycle

� Bean Scope

� Scope Combination

Spring Web MVC:

� Features Of Web MVC

� Life Cycle of Web MVC

� DispatcherServet, Stereotype Annotation in MVC

� Spring Form Validation

� Spring Hibernate Integration (XML and Java Based)

� Mini Project

Spring Boot :

� What is Spring Boot

� Advantages Over Spring Web MVC

� Removal Of XML Files

� Simple Application Using Spring Boot

� Spring Boot Actuator.

� Spring Boot Profiles(DEV,PROD,UAT)

� Spring Boot With Data JPA (CRUD Repository)

� Mini Project Using Spring Boot

Spring Boot JPA:

� What is Spring Boot JPA?

� JPA Annotations

� Curd Repository

� JPA Repository

� Custom Queries

      o Using Method Name

      o JPA Named Queries

      o @Query Annotation

Web Services :-

� What IS Web Services

� Type Of Web services.(REST and SOAP)

� Hello World Example.

� Calculator.

� HTTP Method & URI.

� What IS ARC.

� API Call using ARC.

� What is POSTMAN.

� Crud Operation Using POSTMAN.

� Consume Web services using Rest Template API.

� Communicate With Diff Application (UI, Consume and Produce)

Micro Services :-

� What is Spring Cloud?

� What is Micro services?

� Diff between Web services and Micro Service.

� Eureka server With Client Register.

� Configure With Zuul Server.

� Dynamically Routing With Load Balanced to an Application.

� Micro services Consuming using Rest template.

� Communication between UI micro service And Backend Micro services using Zuul and Rest Template.

� Communication between Diff Client Micro services With DB Communication

Institute Overview

Pune, Maharashtra, India

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