Course Detail

Software Development Course

Software Development Course - BDPS

Course Detail

Course Description

Industrial Training Program on Software Development
Module 1-Total Days-20
Computer Fundamentals and Computer Networks
Overview of PC architecture
Different bus standards (ISA, PCI, PCMCIA)
Different Add-on Cards like memory, Graphics etc.
Overview of RAID
Operating system architecture
Process Management
Memory Management
File system Management
Introduction to Networking OS
Basics of Communication Systems, Issues in Computer Networking
Transmission Media
OSI ,TCP/IP Models
Local Area Networks
Wide Area Networks
Networking Protocols
IP addressing & Routing
Understanding & recognizing TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, Ethernet Packets
Internetworking Devices (Hub, Switch, Router etc.)
Wireless Networks
System Administration
Windows Operating System
Introduction to Windows Operating System
Introduction to the Administrative Tasks and Tools
Installation and Configuration of the Windows Operating System
Implementing and Managing the Windows Network Infrastructure
Disk and File System Management
Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Active Directory Infrastructure
Configuring the IIS Web Server, Mail Server
Performance Tuning
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Linux Operating System
Systems concepts
Boot Processes on Linux and Solaris
Installation techniques for different distributions of GNU/Linux
Initialization and Shutdown concepts
Linux user administration
Configurations of APACHE, SAMBA, NFS, DNS
FTP services and NIS Configuration
File Systems, Disk Management, print services
X server configuration
Performance Tuning
Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Module 2-Total Days-30
Introduction to Java:
History of Java
Need for Java
Java versions
Features/Advantages of Java
JVM Architecture
Packages in Java
Programming in Java:
Programming Structure
Data types
Various operators
Access Specifies & Modifiers
Decision Making & Branching
Decision Making & Looping
Methods in Java:
Introduction to Methods
Argument passing mechanism
Pass by value
Pass by reference
Wrapper Classes
Manipulating strings
OOPS Principle:
Basic principles of OOPS
Class & Object
Access modifiers
Constructors & destructors
Static members
Inheritance & Polymorphism:
Inheritance & polymorphism
Overloading methods
Hiding methods
Abstract class
Abstract methods
Multiple inheritances
Method Overriding
Packages & Exception Handling
Packages in Java
Importing packages
Creating User defined packages
Exception Handling
Built-in Exceptions
User defined Exceptions
Multithreading in Java
Multithreading Concept
Implementing multithreading in Java
Thread Life Cycle
Thread Priorities
Thread Synchronization
Module 3-Total Days-30
Windows Programming:
Introduction to GUI Programming
Introduction to Frames
Various component classes
Creating Frames & Components in Java
Invoking Properties & methods of components
Overview of awt components
Swings Programming
Introduction to Swings
Layout Managers
Swings Vs AWT in Java
GUI Programming using Swings
I/O Programming
I/O Introduction
Byte Streams & Character Streams
Reading & Writing data
Object Serialization & Deserialization
Socket Programming
Client Server Architecture
Protocols Overview
Client Server communication using TCP/IP
Collections Framework
Introduction to java.util package
Various classes & interfaces
Vector,Stack & Hashtable classes
JDBC Programming
JDBC Architecture
Classes & Interfaces of JDBC API
Creating JDBC application
Managing database transactions
Advanced JDBC Programming
Creating applications using PreparedStatement object
Creating and calling stored procedures in JDBC
Using Metadata in JDBC
ResultSetMetaData & DatabaseMetaData interfaces
Module 4-Total Days-25
Using Select Statement
Use the SELECT statement with logical operators
Use wildcards
Use the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL keywords
Use the ORDER BY clause
Use the TOP keyword
Use the DISTINCT keyword
Use aggregate functions in queries
Group result sets
Use the COMPUTE and COMPUTE BY clause
Using functions
String functions
Mathematical functions
Datetime functions
Inner Join
Outer Join
Self Join
Equi Join
Natural Join
Cross Join
Using Subqueries
Creating subqueries
Use subqueries with the IN clause
Use subqueries with the EXISTS clause
Use nested subqueries
Use correlated subqueries
Creating database
Viewing database
Deleting database
Renaming database
Database Tables
Create tables
Insert rows into tables
Delete tables
Altering tables
Create user-defined datatype
List various types of data integrity
Add the following constraints to tables:
DML Statement
Maintain data in a table by using
INSERT statement
UPDATE statement
DELETE statement
Truncate a table
Implementing Views & Batches
Create, alter, drop, and rename views
Update data using views
Declare variables
Print messages
Use comments
Use conditional statements
Use the iteration statements
Implementing Stored Procedures
Create a stored procedure
Execute a stored procedure
Pass parameters to a stored procedure
Modify a stored procedure
Drop a stored procedure
6Module 5-Total Days-30
Overview of HTML
HTML Introduction
HTML Elements & Attributes
Creating hyperlinks
Creating Lists & Tables
HTML Forms & Controls
J2EE introduction
J2EE Concept
J2EE Architecture
Application Server
Web & EJB Server
Configuring J2EE data source
7 Servlet Programming
Introduction to Servlets
HttpServlets & GenericServlets
Servlet mapping & configuration
Inter-Servlet communication
Security in Web Application
Session Management
JSP Programming
Introduction to JSP
JSP directives
JSP Standard actions
Module 6-Total Days-15
Project (Web based)
Web based Project using java and Mysql

Institute Overview

Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India

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