Course Detail

Social Media Marketing Course

Social Media Marketing Course - digitalhake

Course Detail

Course Description

Social Media Marketing(SMM) :In today’s internet-driven world, social media channels have become a major source of news and information. But that isn’t all. In addition, social media presence is an important factor in search rankings and digital marketing. According to statistics, the global population of social media users has risen to 4.57 billion, with 346 million new users expected in 2020. Furthermore, Global Web Index reports that social media users multi-network for an average of two hours and 24 minutes per day across at least eight social media platforms and messaging apps.Knowing how to market on social media is becoming increasingly important in reaching your target demographics and creating brand awareness as social media usage continues to grow exponentially. Many marketers, on the other hand, enter the digital and social media marketing realms without fully comprehending what social media marketing is and what it entails.

Institute Overview

Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India

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