Course Detail

React Js Course

React Js Course - Technogeeks

Course Detail

Course Description

The Best React Course to Learn by Building (Practice) Projects

The Complete React Web Developer Course Syllabus

Module 1 - Introduction to Full Stack Web Development Concepts

      • Introduction
      • What is MERN?
      • What is SPA?
      • How does MERN stack work?
      • Installing Node js for React
      • Installing the IDE

Module 2 - HTML, CSS AND JS (ES6 functions)

      • Introduction to HTML
      • Semantic HTML5 Elements
      • Introduction to CSS
      • CSS Design Pattern
      • Introduction to JavaScript
      • Javascript ES6 Functions

Module 3 - Basics Of React JS

      • What is React JS?
      • Setting up Starting Project
      • Understanding the JSX
      • Understanding Components
      • Working with Multiple Components
      • Using Props to pass Data between Components
      • Rendering Lists of Data
      • Handling Events
      • Child Parent Communication
      • Working with State

Module 4 - Frontend Development with React JS

      • Starting Setup, Routes and Pages
      • Adding a Userlist and UserItem Component
      • Styling our Components
      • Adding a Main Header
      • Adding Navlinks
      • Implementing Basic Desktop and Mobile Application
      • Understanding Portals
      • Handling Drawer State
      • Rendering User Places & Dynamic Route Segments
      • Getting Route Params
      • Adding a Modal
      • Implementing the Form Components
      • Implementing the Custom Form Hook

Module - 5 Setting up a Node.js development environment for project

      • Module Introduction
      • Require and Module Exports
      • Asynchronous Non-Blocking Code
      • Creating Node and Angular
      • What is REST API?
      • Adding the Node Backend
      • Adding the Express Framework
      • Serving Static Files
      • Exploring MiddleWare
      • Using the express router
      • Improving the Server.js code
      • Fetching Initial Post
      • Using the Angular HTTP Client
      • Understanding CORS
      • Adding the POST Backend Point
      • Adding Angular

MODULE- 6 Working with MongoDB

      • Module Introduction
      • What is MongoDB?
      • Comparing SQL and NoSQL
      • Connecting React to MongoDB
      • Setting Up MongoDB
      • Adding Mongoose
      • Understanding Mongoose Schemas and Models
      • Creating a POST Instance
      • Connecting Our Node Express App to MongoDB
      • Storing Data in the DB
      • Fetching Data from the DB
      • Transforming Response Data
      • Deleting Documents
      • Updating the Frontend after Deleting Posts
      • Adding Posts with the ID

Module 7 - Enhancing the App

      • Module Introduction
      • Adding Routing
      • Styling Links
      • Client Side vs Server Side Routing
      • Implementing the EDIT form Feature
      • Updating Post on the Server
      • Re-Organizing the Backend Routes
      • Adding Loading Spinners

Module 8 - User Authentication

      • Adding Auth Page and Login Form
      • Adding Auth Context For App Wide State Management
      • Adding Authenticated and Unauthenticated Routes
      • Hashing the User Password
      • Generating Tokens on the Backend
      • Backend Route Protection with Auth Middleware
      • Using & Attaching JWT Tokens in React
      • Using Tokens to Update and delete Places
      • Adding Authorization
      • Authorization on Delete Places
      • Adding Auto Login
      • Managing the Token Expiration Date
      • Finishing Auto Login and Auto Logout
      • General App Improvements

Module 9 - Errors Handling

      • Module Introduction
      • Testing Different Places to Handle Errors
      • Testing Different Places to Handle Errors
      • The Error Interceptor
      • Displaying the Basic Error Dialog
      • Adding an Error Dialog
      • Returning Error Messages on the Server
      • Finishing Touches

Module 10 - App Deployment

    • Module Introduction
    • Deployment Options
    • Deploying the REST API
    • React Deployment - Finishing the Two App Setup
    • Using the Integrated Approach

Institute Overview

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Our Story Technogeeks is a Group of IT working professionals, located in Pune. Technogeeks Trainers are working on real-time projects on multiple technologies and always believe to share the knowledge and best practices to help the candidates to bui... Read More

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