Course Detail


PYTHON COURSE - Atlanta Computer

Course Detail

Course Description



  • • What is Python..?
  • • A Brief history of Python
  • • Why Should I learn Python..?
  • • Installing Python
  • • How to execute Python program
  • • Write your first program
  • Variables, and Programs in a Script in Python

  • • Variables
  • • Numbers
  • • String
  • • Lists ,Tuples & Dictionary
  • Conditionals Statements and Loops in Python

  • • if…statement
  • • if…else statement
  • • elif…statement
  • • The while…Loop
  • • The for….Loop
  • Control Statements in Python

  • • continue statement
  • • break statement
  • • pass statement
  •  Functions in Python

  • • Define function
  • • Calling a function
  • • Function arguments
  • • Built-in functions
  • Modules & Packages in Python

  • • Modules
  • • How to import a module…?
  • • Packages
  • • How to create packages
  • Classes & Objects in Python

  • • Introduction about classes & objects
  • • Creating a class & object
  • • Inheritance
  • • Methods Overriding
  • • Data hiding
  • Files & Exception Handling in Python

  • • Writing data to a file
  • • Reading data from a file
  • • Read and Write data from csv file
  • • try…except
  • • try…except…else
  • • finally
  • • os module
  • Django Framework

  • • Introducing Django
  • • Creating Django Based Web Application
  • • Creating Models
  • • Creating Templates
  • • Creating Views
  • Interface Python With MySQL

  • • Connecting To MySQL From Python
  • • Parameterised Queries
  • • Performing INSERT And UPDATE Queries


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