Course Detail

Python Course

Python Course - PYTHONSOFT

Course Detail

Course Description

Python (Core and Advance)


1. Introduction to python

  • History of Python

  • Why to learn python

  • How is Python Different from other programming languages

  • Installing Python and path setting

  • How to run python programs

2. Basics of Python

3. Operators

  • Arithmetic operator

  • Relational Operator

  • Assignment Operator

  • Logical operator

  • Bitwise operator

  • Membership Operator

  • Identity Operator

4. Control Flow

  • If statement

  • If - else

  • If – elif -else

  • Nested if – else

  • While loop

  • for – in loop

  • Nested loop

  • Loop with else

  • Pass statement

  • Break and continue

5. Functions

  • Function Basics

  • Defining function

  • Function call

  • Return statement

  • Function parameters

  • Call by value or call by reference

  • Local and global variable

  • Recursion

  • Anonymous (lambda) function

6. Modules

  • Defining module

  • How to create module

  • Importing module

  • Dir ()

  • Module search path

  • Reloading a module

  • Sys module

  • Os module

  • Namespace

7. Packages

  • Defining package

  • How to create package

  • Importing package

  • Installing third party packages

8. Numeric Types

  • Numeric type basics

  • Numbers

  • Hexadecimal, Octal and Binary Notation

  • Complex Numbers

  • Type casting

  • Numeric Functions

  • Random number generation

9. String

  • Defining a string

  • Different ways to create string

  • Accessing elements of string

  • Escape sequence

  • Raw string

  • String methods

  • String formatting Expressions

10. List

  • Defining a list

  • Creating list

  • Accessing list elements of list

  • Deleting list

  • List methods

  • Functions used with list

  • List comprehension

  • Implementation of stack and queue using list

  • Use of Zip ()

  • Matrix operations using list

  • Numpy array

11. Tuple

  • Defining a tuple

  • Creating a tuple

  • Accessing elements of tuple

  • Immutability

  • List vs tuples

  • Tuple Methods

  • Functions used with tuple

  • Advantage of Tuple

12. Dictionary

  • Defining a dictionary

  • Creating a dictionary

  • Accessing elements of dictionary

  • Deleting a dictionary

  • Dictionary methods

  • Dictionary Comprehension

13. Set

  • Defining a set

  • Creating set

  • Set operations

  • Set methods

  • Set comprehension

14. File Handling

  • Defining a file

  • Types of file

  • File operations

  • Opening a File

  • Closing file

  • File modes

  • File attributes

  • Writing to file

  • Reading from file

  • Appending to file

  • File positions

  • Binary file

  • Pickle module

15. Exception Handling

  • Defining an exception?

  • Default exception handler

  • Exception handling techniques

  • Detecting Exception (try)

  • Catching exceptions (catch)

  • Catching multiple exceptions

  • Raising exception (raise)

  • Finally block

  • User defined exceptions


16. Object Oriented Programming

  • Oop concepts

  • Defining a class

  • Creating object

  • Method vs function

  • Calling methods

  • Instance attribute vs class attribute

  • Instance method vs class method

  • Private attribute and method

  • Static method

  • Method Overloading

  • Constructor

  • List of objects

  • Inheritance

  • Method overriding

  • Operator overloading

  • Abstract method

  • Abstract class

17. Multithreading

  • Process based multi-tasking

  • Thread based multi-tasking

  • Creating a Thread without using class

  • Creating thread using class

  • Sleep () method

  • Join () method

  • Getting and setting name of Thread

  • Synchronization

  • Lock concept

  • Is_Alive () method

  • Active_count () method

  • Enumerate () method

  • Current_thread () method

  • Daemon Thread

18. GUI Programming with Tkinter

  • Introduction to tkinter

  • Creating a window

  • Tkinter widgets

    • Label

    • Button

    • Entry

    • Message box

    • List

    • Radio Button

    • Check Button

  • Creating Frame

  • Assignments on tkinter


19. Database Programming

  • Introduction to SQLite module

  • Connecting to database by using sqlite3

  • Creating table by sqlite3

  • Performing SQL operations

  • Introduction to MySQL

  • Installing MySQL

  • Creating database using MySQL

  • Connecting MySQL database from python

  • Creating table

  • Performing SQL operations

20. Networking

  • Introduction to Network programming

  • Ip address

  • Port Number

  • Socket module

  • Server socket

  • Client socket

  • Socket methods

  • TCP socket

  • UDP socket


21. Introduction to Machine learning using Python

  • What is machine learning?

  • Difference between Machine learning and AI

  • Types of Machine learning

  • Supervised learning

  • Unsupervised learning

  • Examples

  • Applications of Machine learning

  • Popular Python packages for machine learning

    • Numpy

    • Scipy

    • sklearn

    • matplotlib

    • Pandas


22. Web based programming  using Flask and Django

  •  what is web based application
  •  Basics of FLASK
  • Basics of Django

23. Project

After learning python every student must do some project. Projects will increase the problem solving ability of student . I will personally guide the students in doing project work.

Institute Overview

Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

PYTHONSOFT is a leading software training institute in INDIA with an aim to provide quality training to the studennts.As a training institute we try provide strong programming skills to our students. We provide both conceptual and practical orie... Read More

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