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History of Python
Why to learn python
How is Python Different from other programming languages
Installing Python and path setting
How to run python programs
Data types(number,string,list,tuple,set,dictionary)
Static Typing vs Dynamic Typing
Input and output
Arithmetic operator
Relational Operator
Assignment Operator
Logical operator
Bitwise operator
Membership Operator
Identity Operator
If statement
If - else
If – elif -else
Nested if – else
While loop
for – in loop
Nested loop
Loop with else
Pass statement
Break and continue
Function Basics
Defining function
Function call
Return statement
Function parameters
Call by value or call by reference
Local and global variable
Anonymous (lambda) function
Defining module
How to create module
Importing module
Dir ()
Module search path
Reloading a module
Sys module
Os module
Defining package
How to create package
Importing package
Installing third party packages
Numeric type basics
Hexadecimal, Octal and Binary Notation
Complex Numbers
Type casting
Numeric Functions
Random number generation
Defining a string
Different ways to create string
Accessing elements of string
Escape sequence
Raw string
String methods
String formatting Expressions
Defining a list
Creating list
Accessing list elements of list
Deleting list
List methods
Functions used with list
List comprehension
Implementation of stack and queue using list
Use of Zip ()
Matrix operations using list
Numpy array
Defining a tuple
Creating a tuple
Accessing elements of tuple
List vs tuples
Tuple Methods
Functions used with tuple
Advantage of Tuple
Defining a dictionary
Creating a dictionary
Accessing elements of dictionary
Deleting a dictionary
Dictionary methods
Dictionary Comprehension
Defining a set
Creating set
Set operations
Set methods
Set comprehension
Defining a file
Types of file
File operations
Opening a File
Closing file
File modes
File attributes
Writing to file
Reading from file
Appending to file
File positions
Binary file
Pickle module
Defining an exception?
Default exception handler
Exception handling techniques
Detecting Exception (try)
Catching exceptions (catch)
Catching multiple exceptions
Raising exception (raise)
Finally block
User defined exceptions
Oop concepts
Defining a class
Creating object
Method vs function
Calling methods
Instance attribute vs class attribute
Instance method vs class method
Private attribute and method
Static method
Method Overloading
List of objects
Method overriding
Operator overloading
Abstract method
Abstract class
Process based multi-tasking
Thread based multi-tasking
Creating a Thread without using class
Creating thread using class
Sleep () method
Join () method
Getting and setting name of Thread
Lock concept
Is_Alive () method
Active_count () method
Enumerate () method
Current_thread () method
Daemon Thread
Introduction to tkinter
Creating a window
Tkinter widgets
Message box
Radio Button
Check Button
Creating Frame
Assignments on tkinter
Introduction to SQLite module
Connecting to database by using sqlite3
Creating table by sqlite3
Performing SQL operations
Introduction to MySQL
Installing MySQL
Creating database using MySQL
Connecting MySQL database from python
Creating table
Performing SQL operations
Introduction to Network programming
Ip address
Port Number
Socket module
Server socket
Client socket
Socket methods
TCP socket
UDP socket
What is machine learning?
Difference between Machine learning and AI
Types of Machine learning
Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Applications of Machine learning
Popular Python packages for machine learning
After learning python every student must do some project. Projects will increase the problem solving ability of student . I will personally guide the students in doing project work.