Course Detail

Python Course

Python Course - Pentamedia Technologies

Course Detail

Course Description

  Introduction to Python

a.       What is Python and what are its Industry applications?

b.      Why Python?

c.       Introduction to Jupyter Notebook

d.      Data types in Python

e.      Arithmetic Operations

f.        Comparison Operators

g.       Logical Operators

h.      Introduction to Strings and its various methods

i.         Indexing and Slicing on strings

2.       Hands on with Lists, Tuples, Set and Dictionary

3.       Control Statements and Functions in Python

a.       If-else structure

b.      While loop

c.       Functions in Python

·         In-built functions and libraries

·         User defined functions

d.      Lambda Function

4.       File Handling in Python

5.       Introduction to Python Libraries for Data Science

a.       Numpy

b.      Pandas

c.       Matplotlib

d.      Scipy

e.      Seaborn

f.        Scikit

g.       NLTK

6.       Hands on with Pandas and Numpy

7.       Hands on with Matplotlib and Seaborn for Data Visualization

8.       Case Studies on Python

Institute Overview

Kota, Rajasthan, India

In 1999 when we started of with this concept ‘‘Short Term Job Oriented Professional Training Program’’ we had 20 students with us and now we are providing training to thousands of students at one point of time. We started from... Read More

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