Python Syllabus (Sublime)
1: Introduction To Python
- Installation and Working with Python
- Understanding Python variables
- Python basic Operators
- Understanding python blocks
2: Python Data Types
- Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex
- Using string data type and string operations
- Defining list and list slicing
- Use of Tuple data type
3: Python Program Flow Control
- Conditional blocks using if, else and else if
- Simple for loops in python
- For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries
- Use of while loops in python
- Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else
- Programming using Python conditional and loops block
4: Python Functions, Modules and Packages
- Organizing python codes using functions
- Organizing python projects into modules
- Importing own module as well as external modules
- Understanding Packages
- Powerful Lamda function in python
- Programming using functions, modules and external packages
5: Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations
- Building blocks of python programs
- Understanding string in build methods
- List manipulation using in build methods
- Dictionary manipulation
- Programming using string, list and dictionary in build functions
6: Python File Operation
- Reading config files in python
- Writing log files in python
- Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines()
- Understanding write functions, write() and writelines()
- Manipulating file pointer using seek
- Programming using file operations
7: Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops
- Concept of class, object and instances
- Constructor, class attributes and destructors
- Real time use of class in live projects
- Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators
- Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes
- Programming using Oops support
8: Python Regular Expression
- Powerful pattern matching and searching
- Power of pattern searching using regex in python
- Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex
- Password, email, url validation using regular expression
- Pattern finding programs using regular expression
9: Python Exception Handling
- Avoiding code break using exception handling
- Safe guarding file operation using exception handling
- Handling and helping developer with error code
- Programming using Exception handling
10: Python Database Interaction
- SQL Database connection using python
- Creating and searching tables
- Reading and storing config information on database
- Programming using database connections
11: Python Multi-threading
- Understanding threads
- Forking threads
- Synchronizing the threads
- Programming using multithreading
12: Contacting User Through Emails Using Python
- Installing smtp python module
- Sending email
- Reading from file and sending emails to all users addressing them directly for marketing
13: Python CGI Introduction
- Writing python program for CGI applications
- Creating menus and accessing files
- Server client program