Course Detail

PHP Course


Course Detail

Course Description




  • Introduction To Web
  • What is Markup Language
  • Basic Structure of HTML
  • Head Section and Elements
  • Meta Tags
  • External Link Tags
  • HTML Structure Tags
  • Create Table, Div and Frame Tag
  • Content and Header Tags
  • Paragraph, Span, Pre Tags
  • Anchor Links and Named Anchors
  • Object,Iframe and Image Tag
  • Implementing iFrame in Realtime
  • Working with Forms
  • Form Tag and Attributes
  • POST and GET Method
  • Text Input, TextArea, Checkbox and Radio
  • Password Field
  • Select Option, Option Group
  • File Field and Hidden Fields
  • Submit, Reset, Image Buttons
  • Relation between HTML Form and PH
  • Whats new in HTML5
  • HTML5 Apis
  • HTML5 Multimedia


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3)

  • Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
  • Types of Style Sheets
  • Media Type
  • Default CSS Properties
  • Types of CSS Selectors
  • Adjacent Sibling Selector
  • Other Selectors
  • CSS properties
  • Type Properties
  • Background Properties
  • Block Properties
  • Box Model Properties
  • List Properties
  • Border Properties
  • Positioning Properties
  • CSS Optimization Tips
  • CSS Compression
  • (CSS 3.0 - Latest Version)
  • Introduction to CSS 3
  • Basic CSS3 Selectors
  • Advanced CSS3 Selectors
  • New CSS3 Properties
  • CSS Rounded Corners
  • Border Image
  • Box and Text Shadow
  • Multiple Backgrounds
  • Background Origin
  • Background Resize
  • CSS Clip, Gradients, Opacity
  • Transitions & Transform




  • Bootstrap Setup
  • Benifits of Bootstrap
  • Basics of Bootstrap
  • Project Design Using Bootstrap



Java Script

  • Introduction to Client Side Scripting
  • Introduction to Java Script
  • Javascript Types
  • Variables in JS
  • Operators in JS
  • Conditions Statements
  • Java Script Loops
  • JS Popup Boxes
  • JS Events
  • JS Arrays
  • Working with Arrays
  • JS Objects
  • JS Functions
  • Using Java Script in RealTime
  • Validation of Forms
  • Related Examples


PHP    with   MySQL

    • PHP Introduction
    • Variables, Constants, Datatypes
    • Operators and Control Structures
    • Looping Statements
    • Arrays and Foreach Loop
    • PHP Functions
    • Sessions in PHP
    • Cookies in PHP
    • Blog Project Demo
    • PHPMyAdmin
    • SQL
    • CRUD operations in PHP
    • Oops IN PHP




    • Basic Info About Photoshop Tools
    • Locking & Merging Layers
    • Copying Layers, Using Perspective & Layer Styles
    • Filling & Grouping Layers
    • Introduction to Blending Modes
    • Blending Modes, Opacity &Fill
    • Creating & Modifying Text



SEO Concepts

    • Basics of SEO
    • Importance of SEO
    • Onpage Optimization Basics
    • File Optimization
    • Title Optimization


Live Website Design Project

  • Conversion of PSD to CSS
  • Adding Menu System to Project
  • Slideshow Integration
  • Implementing Gallery Script
  • Adding the Contact Form
  • Form validations using JS
  • Manual Website Testing




Interview Preparation & Placement


  • Interview Questions
  • Resume Prepration
  • How to Crack Interview

Institute Overview

Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

PYTHONSOFT is a leading software training institute in INDIA with an aim to provide quality training to the studennts.As a training institute we try provide strong programming skills to our students. We provide both conceptual and practical orie... Read More

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