Course Detail

OS SWIFT  Course

OS SWIFT Course - SourceKode Institute

Course Detail

Course Description

Course Description


Apple one of the largest companies in the world is the pioneer for the iPhone devices we use today. The Apple iPhone course or the iOS Swift training course at SourceKode teaches students how to code and develop applications for the iPhone/iPad and iPod devices using the Xcode IDE and also to get familiar with the Apple OS.
The iOS course is a rigorous training program where students are given hands on experience along with theoretical knowledge to develop iPhone apps. These iPhone apps are highly powerful and fairly complex to build but under the guidance of expert iOS trainers at SourceKode, students slowly but steadily develop the knack of developing these complex iOS applications. SourceKode is one of the Pioneering iOS training institute in Pune.
With over 500+ students trained only on iOS platform. SourceKode has a strong alumni network for placements in companies and also enjoys good tie-ups with companies for placing iOS trained fresher’s.


IOS / Swift Programming Course Syllabus :


Understanding Programming Standards

  • Lesson 1. What are programming standards
  • Lesson 2. Importance of programming standards
  • Lesson 3. Benefits of using programming standards
  • Lesson 4. Programming Standards in detail.
  • Lesson 5. Good programming habits.
  • Lesson 6. Unit Testing and its importance

Introduction to SWIFT Language

  • Lesson 1. Variables & Constants
  • Lesson 2. Introduction to functions (methods)
  • Lesson 3. Arrays, Dictionaries, Data, Date and other basic data types
  • Lesson 4. Enums, structures, closures
  • Lesson 5. For, If, switch statements
  • Lesson 6. Object oriented concepts with SWIFT
  • Lesson 7. Type check, AnyObject, Any
  • Lesson 8. Protocols, Extensions, Error handling
  • Lesson 9. Working with classes

Working with Xcode

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to XCODE
  • Lesson 2. COCOA touch framework
  • Lesson 3. iOS application architecture
  • Lesson 4. Application lifecycle

Introduction to view controllers and Views

  • Lesson 1. View Controllers, view, view lifecycle
  • Lesson 2. Basic Controls – Label, Buttons, Text field, image View
  • Lesson 3. Table view with default cells and customized cells
  • Lesson 4. Collection view with default cells and customized cells
  • Lesson 5. Picker view, Date picker, scroll view, navigation and Tab bar controller
  • Lesson 6. Understanding Interface builder, XIB files
  • Lesson 7. Creating outlets and Actions
  • Lesson 8. Handling touch and gesture events
  • Lesson 9. Segment and Page control, switch view, UIAlertView

Integrating with Database

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to data storage methods in iOS
  • Lesson 2. Using Core Data, SQLite database, User Defaults, Property List

Web Services

  • Lesson 1. What are web services
  • Lesson 2. Why do we use web-services
  • Lesson 3. How apps function with the help of web-services
  • Lesson 4. Introduction to different web services
  • Lesson 5. JSON parsing, XML parsing
  • Lesson 6. Get and POST methods


  • Lesson 1. Playing Audio and Video
  • Lesson 2. Capturing images using camera
  • Lesson 3. Getting images from gallery
  • Lesson 4. Sending mail and SMS from app

Map integration

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to maps
  • Lesson 2. Working with pin annotations

Communicating with other view Controllers

  • Lesson 1. Using storyboard to design the app, using segues
  • Lesson 2. Introduction to methods used for passing data from one to another view controller


  • Lesson 1. Introduction to Auto-layout
  • Lesson 2. Working with constraints
  • Lesson 3. Using constraints to change view sizes
  • Lesson 4. Programmatically control the views

Deep Concepts of Swift Language

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to Multithreading
  • Lesson 2. Multithreading in iOS app, using NSThread, NSOperation and NSOperation Queue, GCD

Push Notifications

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to Notification
  • Lesson 2. NSNotification and NSNotificationCenter, UILocalNotifications, Push Notification services

Troubleshooting App

  • Lesson 1. Debugging

Third-Party Integrations

  • Lesson 1. An overview to setup and use third party libraries

Launching An iOS app

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to BundleID, AppID, certificates
  • Lesson 2. Making a build
  • Lesson 3. Posting app to App Store
  • Lesson 4. Using TestFlight

Other Technologies ( Optional )

  • Lesson 1. Git/Bitbucket
  • Lesson 2. Vector Image
  • Lesson 3. Minimizing Size of IPA
  • Lesson 4. Googles Firebase

Syllabus Updates : Since each new version of iOS has new features, we keep adding upgrading our syllabus every 6-12 months to accommodate for advancement. Some topics can be omitted from syllabus without prior notice as they might be redundant or not relavent to the batch being trained. You can request any iOS Topic. The sequence of topics taught might not necessarily be as per this syllabus structure.

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