Course Detail

Oracle Developer Course

Oracle Developer Course - Blend InfoTech

Course Detail

Course Description

Oracle Developer Course Content

SQL/ Oracle Database Training will help you to develop a thorough understanding of Oracle Database, Oracle SQl and PL/SQL Training, you'll gain proficiency using a variety of solutions that automate manual and time consuming business processes.

Using Oracle/ SQL SERVER

Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement

Restricting and Sorting Data

Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output

Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions

Displaying Data from Multiple Tables

PSubqueries to Solve Queries

Set Operators

Manipulating Data

Using DDL Statements to Create and Manage Tables

Creating Other Schema Objects

Constructing an IF Statement

Controlling Block Flow Using Nested Loops and Labels

If-then-else structure

Logic Tables

PL/SQL Basics

Cursors in PL/SQL

Iteration in PL/SQL

Nested blocks in PL/SQL


Stored procedures, functions and packages

Bulking in PL/SQL

Latest Control structures

PL/SQL records

1 Overview of RDBMS, Oracle introduction
2 Introduction of SQL
Basic Data Types
Char, varchar/varchar2, long, number, Fixed
& floating point
3 Table
Constraint definition
Commands to create table
4 Commands for table handling
Alter table, Drop table, Insert records
5 Commands for record handling
Update, Delete
Select with operators like arithmetic, comparison,
Query Expression operators
Ordering the records with orderby
Grouping the records
6 SQL functions
Date, Numeric, Character, conversion Group
functions avg, max, min, sum, count
7 Set operations
Union, Union all, intersect, minus
8 Join concept
Simple, equi, non equi, self, outer join
9 Query & sub queries
10 Synonym introduction, object type
Create, synonym as alias for table & view, drop
11 Sequence
Introduction, alter sequence, drop
12 View
Intro, create, update, drop
13 Index
Introduction, create
14 Primary introduction to DBA
User create, granting privileges
(Grant, Revoke, Commit, Rollback, Savepoint)
15 Report writer using SQL
Title, Btitle, skip, pause, column, SQL, Break on, computer sum 16 Introduction of PL/SQL
Advantages of PL/SQL
Support of SQL
Executing PL/SQL
17 PL/SQL character set & Data Types
Character, row, rowed, Boolean, binary integer, number Variable, constant
18 PL/SQL blocks
% type, %rowtype, operators, function comparison numeric, character, date Control structure
Condition – if
Interactive- loop, for, while
Sequential – goto
19 Composite data types
Record- declaration, refer, record assignment
Table- Declaration, table attributes
(Count, delete, exists, first, last, next, prior)
20 Database Triggers
Definition, syntax, parts of triggers
Types of triggers, enabling & disabling triggers
21 Sub programs
Definition Features
22 Procedures
Definition, creating, Parameter
23 Function
Definition & implementation

Institute Overview

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Blend InfoTech  Blend Group is having its Corporate Office at Pune. Blend is a Group of companies started by a group of professionals with vision to excel in the field of Information Technology, Finance and Various Services, like Tr... Read More

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