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Oracle Course

Oracle Course - JALS

Course Detail

Course Description

Oracle DBA


Oracle DBA

Oracle DBA Training in Trichy Our Oracle DBA Training in Trichy aims to teach beginners and employees. Oracle, the term can be defined as trademark of RDBMS. We are the Best Oracle DBA Training Institute in Trichy in-terms of syllabus and expert teaching. Oracle rapidly converging all IT required solutions like middleware, storage and OS by acquiring leading core pioneers and technology players in market. It is providing very strong and unique supports to customers. Still now oracle has acquired around 40 companies and expands its wings around 90% on RDBMS and ERP tools and services and related technologies. Oracle DBA is a leading and demanding skill-sets in IT as well highly paid jobs since the role need to be handling the backbone of organization’s vital data management at large scale. We are JALS Education and covering Oracle® DBA course at unique level in all aspects Technical as well real time oriented. Our core ideology is to nurture each Oracle® DBA aspirants should be much strong in concepts as well must be opt in handling real time issues. Our faculty has extensive year’s hands on experience in oracle installation, upgrade, data guard and RAC installation and strong knowledge in real time issues handling and consultant area. Especially at JALS, students are being trained and educated by core people, therefore we declare with sense of pride that student technical aspects would be level of IT competence. We designed syllabus at unique level, our motto is especially the DBA course deliverance shouldn’t be level of certificate mode and must be level of real time focused. We keep ourselves align with IT new technology needs and empowering and enhancing our Course syllabus, since it is very strong base for us. Our Oracle® DBA Training Institute is located in Trichy and fully filled with real-time faculties and top consultants in IT sector.

Oracle DBA Training Syllabus–Session 1

1.Introduction (Database Architecture)
2.Describe course objectives
3.Explore the Oracle 10g database architecture
4.Installing the Oracle Database Software
5.Explain core DBA tasks and tools
6.Plan an Oracle installation
7.Use optimal flexible architecture
8.Install software with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
9.Creating an Oracle Database
10.Create a database with the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
11.Create a database design template with the DBCA
12.Generate database creation scripts with the DBCA
13.Managing the Oracle Instance
14.Start and stop the Oracle database and components
15.Use Enterprise Manager (EM)
16.Access a database with SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus
17.Modify database initialization parameters
18.Understand the stages of database startup
19.View the Alert log
20.Use the Data Dictionary
21.Managing Database Storage Structures
22.Describe table data storage (in blocks)
23.Define the purpose of tablespaces and data files
24.Understand and utilize Oracle Managed Files (OMF)
25.Create and manage tablespaces
26.Obtain tablespace information
27.Describe the main concepts and functionality of Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
28.Administering User Security
29.Create and manage database user accounts
30.Authenticate users
31.Assign default storage areas (tablespaces)
32.Grant and revoke privileges
33.Create and manage roles
34.Create and manage profiles
35.Implement standard password security features
36.Control resource usage by users
37.Managing Schema Objects
38.Define schema objects and data types
39.Create and modify tables
40.Define constraints
41.View the columns and contents of a table
42.Create indexes, views and sequences
43.Explain the use of temporary tables
44.Use the Data Dictionary
45.Manage data through SQL
46.Monitor and resolve locking conflicts
47.Managing Undo Data
48.Explain DML and undo data generation
49.Monitor and administer undo
50.Describe the difference between undo and redo data
51.Configure undo retention
52.Guarantee undo retention
53.Use the undo advisor
54.Implementing Oracle Database Security
55.Describe DBA responsibilities for security
54.Apply the principal of least privilege
55.Enable standard database auditing
56.Specify audit options
57.Review audit information
58.Maintain the audit trail

Oracle DBA Training Syllabus–Session 2

1.Configuring the Oracle Network Environment
2.Create additional listeners
3.Create Net Service aliases
4.Configure connect-time failover
5.Control the Oracle Net Listener
6.Test Oracle Net connectivity
7.Identify when to use shared versus dedicated servers
8.Backup and Recovery Concepts
9.Identify the types of failure that may occur in an Oracle Database
10.Describe ways to tune instance recovery
11.Identify the importance of checkpoints, redo log files, and archived log files
12.Configure ARCHIVELOG mode
13.Performing Database Backups
14.Create consistent database backups
15.Back your database up without shutting it down
16.Create incremental backups
17.Automate database backups
18.Monitor the flash recovery area
19.Performing Database Recovery
20.Recover from loss of a control file
21.Recover from loss of a redo log file
22.Perform complete recovery following the loss of a data file
23.Performing Flashback
24.Describe Flashback database
25.Restore the table content to a specific point in the past with Flashback Table
26.Recover from a dropped table
27.View the contents of the database as of any single point in time with Flashback Query
28.See versions of a row over time with Flashback Versions Query
29.View the transaction history of a row with Flashback Transaction Query

Moving Data

1.Describe available ways for moving data
2.Create and use directory objects
3.Use SQL*Loader to load data from a non-Oracle database (or user files)
4.Explain the general architecture of Data Pump
5.Use Data Pump Export and Import to move data between Oracle databases
6.Use external tables to move data via platform-independent files
7.Configuring Recovery Manager
8.Recovery Manager Features and Components
9.Using a Flash Recovery Area with RMAN
10.Configuring RMAN
11.Control File Autobackups
12.Retention Policies and Channel Allocation
13.Using Recovery Manager to connect to a target database in default NOCATALOG mode
14.Displaying the current RMAN configuration settings
15.Altering the backup retention policy for a database
16.Using Recovery Manager
17.RMAN Command Overview
18.Parallelization of Backup Sets
19.Compressed Backups
20.Image Copy
21.Whole Database and Incremental Backups
22.LIST and REPORT commands
23.Enable ARCHIVELOG mode for the database
24.Use Recovery Manager
25.Recovering from Non-critical Losses
26.Recovery of Non-Critical Files
27.Creating New Temporary Tablespace
28.Recreating Redo Log Files, Index Tablespaces, and Indexes
29.Read-Only Tablespace Recovery
30.Authentication Methods for Database Administrators
31.Loss of Password Authentication File
32.Creating a new temporary tablespace
33.Altering the default temporary tablespace for a database
34.Incomplete Recovery
35.Recovery Steps
36.Server and User Managed Recovery commands
37.Recovering a Control File Autobackup
38.Creating a New Control File
39.Incomplete Recovery Overview
40.Incomplete Recovery Best Practices
41.Simplified Recovery Through RESETLOGS
42.Point-in-time recovery using RMAN
44.Flashback Database Architecture
45.Configuring and Monitoring Flashback Database
46.Backing Up the Flash Recovery Area
48.Flashback Database Considerations
49.Using the Flashback Database RMAN interface
50.Using Flashback Database EM Interface
51.Managing and monitoring Flashback Database operations
52.Dealing with Database Corruption
53.Block Corruption Symptoms: ORA-1578
54.DBVERIFY Utility and the ANALYZE command
55.Initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_CHECKING
56.Segment Metadata Dump and Verification
57.Using Flashback for Logical Corruption and using DBMS_REPAIR
58.Block Media Recovery
59.RMAN BMR Interface
60.Dumping and Verifying Segment Metadata
61.Monitoring and Managing Storage I
62.Database Storage Structures
63.Space Management Overview
64.Oracle-Managed Files (OMF)
65.Row Chaining and Migrating
66.Proactive Tablespace Monitoring
67.Managing Resumable Space Allocation
68.SYSAUX Tablespace
69.Monitoring table and index space usage
70.Monitoring and Managing Storage II
71.Automatic Undo Management
72.Redo Log Files
73.Table Types
74.Partitioned Tables

Institute Overview

Thiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India

CEO Lion Swathi Gunaseelan, family counselor in All Women PoliceStation(AWPS) for the past 15 years and has spent most of her life for service organization in LIONS CLUB for the past 16 years. She pursued her B.A. degree on Psychology in Alagapa Uni... Read More

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