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.NET is the model provided by Microsoft, which is Platform as well as Language Independent. Actually .NET contains three parts, first is language i.e. it may be VB, C#, or any other language, second is ASP .NET and third is ADO .NET. With the help of .NET, any type of programming like Windows Development, Web Development, Console Development, Protocols Development, Web Services, Mobile Programming etc. are possible. .NET is the only platform available in the market which is Language Independent.
Companies has a great demand of Language Independency today because different professionals have command in different languages and by using .NET modules, different languages can be interfaced.
Generally people have an idea in their mind that .NET is designed for CS/IT/MCA students, but .NET not only work in high level, it depends on the user's requirements e.g. Complete low level programming (Port Programming) can be done trough .NET. This course is designed to give the complete knowledge of VB .NET, ASP .NET & ADO .NET. Also this course include Project Work, so that students after completing this course can develop their ideas according to their requirements and can work on Modular Approach of Programming in the company very easily.