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Chapter 1
What is machine learning?
What is Deep learning?
What is data science
Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Difference between DS and ML and AI and DL
A sample programming Example
Chapter -2
Installing python
Different IDES
Data types
module and package
object oriented programming
python packages numpy,sklearn,matplotlib,pandas
Working with ANACONDA
Chapter -3
Introduction to Numpy
Creating numpy array
Attributes of numpy array
Advantage of Numpy array over List
Mathematical operation on numpy array
Different ways to create numpy array
Reshaping numpy array
Concatenation and splitting operation
Trigonometric functions
Random sample generation
Chapter -4
Pandas series
Pandas data frame
Reading CSV files
Parameters of read_csv()
Read excel files
Handling missing values
categorical data
Data cleaning and pre processing
Chapter -5
Linear Regression
Multiple linear regression
Polynomial Regression
Logistic regression
Logistic function or sigmoid function
Types of logistic regression
How KNN works
KNN classifier
Confusion Matrix
KNN Regressor
How to choose k value
Chapter -9
Bayes Theorem
Types of naïve bayes classifier
Bernoulli naïve bayes
Gaussian Naïve
Multinomial NB
Text Processing
Chapter -10
Why to use decision trees?
Decision Tree Terminologies
How a decision tree works
Advantages and disadvantages
Chapter -11
What is random forest
How random forest works
Ensemble learning
Bagging and boosting
Advantages and disadvantages
Chapter -12
What is support vector machine?
Types of SVM
Hyper plane and support vectors
How support vector works?
What is unsupervised learning
Types of unsupervised learning
Applications of unsupervised learning
K-means clustering
Hierarchical clustering
Chapter 14
feature extraction
feature selection
dummy variable and one hot encoding
Label encoding and ordinal encoding
Feature scaling
Hyper parameter tuning
dimension reduction (feature reduction)
principal component analysis (PCA)
Linear discriminant analysis(LDA)
What is Model Selection?
The need for Model Selection
What is Boosting?
How Boosting Algorithms work?
Types of Boosting Algorithms
Adaptive Boosting
Working of AdaBoost
Chapter -16
What is Time Series Analysis?
Importance of TSA
Components of TSA
White Noise
AR model
MA model
ARMA model
ARIMA model
Project work