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we offers best java course training institute in trichy and free java course training institute in trichy for all department students like cse, it, ece, eee, eie, ice, civil, mech etc.,
Programming language Types and Paradigms.
Why Java?
Java Designing Goal.
Role of Java Programmer in Industry.
JVM The heart of JAVA
Language Fundamentals
Java Source File Structure
Basic Language Elements
Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages.
Defining Package.
Making JAR Files for Library Packages.
Exception Handling
Exceptions & Errors and Types of Exception
Control Flow In Exceptions and JVM reaction to Exceptions
Use if try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling
In-built and User Defined Exceptions and checked and Un-Checked Exceptions
Multi Threading
Understanding Threads and Needs of Multi-threaded Programming.
Thread Life-Cycle and Creating Child Threads.
Use if try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling
Synchronizing Threads and Wait(), notify() and notifyAll() and Critical Factor in Thread DeadLock
GUI Programming
Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java.
Layout Managers and AWT Components and Event-Driven Programming in Java
Adapter Classes as Helper Classes in Event Handling and Anonymous Inner classes a Short cut to Event Handling.
Built-in Dialog Boxes and FileDialog and Extending GUI Features Using Swing Components
Applet & Application and Applet Architecture and Parameters to Applet.
Embedding Applets in Web page and Applet Security Policies.
Collections Framework & Utility Classes
Introduction to Collection Framework and Utility Methods for Arrays.
Interfacings and Regular Expression.