Course Detail

Java Course

Java Course - CJC

Course Detail

Course Description

Java | J2EE

Core Java & Advance Java

Core Java

� Introduction Java Platform

� Java Flow Control

� Source File

� Object Oriented Programming

Objects & Class

� Data types

� Instance & Static Variables

� Constructor

� Packages

� This/ Super keyword

� Instance & Static Methods

� Static Block

OOP's Pillars-

      o Inheritance

      o Polymorphism

      o Abstraction

      o Encapsulation

� Singleton Class & Immutable Class

� Final Class

� Access Modifiers

� Exception Handling (Try, Catch, Finally, Throw & Throws Try With Resources)


      o List- ArrayList,

      o Set-Hashset, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet

      o Map- HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap,

      o TreeSet

      o WeakHashMap


      o Iterator

      o ListIterator

      o Ennumaration

� Comparable & Comparator

� Generics

� Enum

� Covariant Return Types

� Auto Boxing Annotation

Multi Threading-

      o Introduction

      o Creation of thread

      o extends Thread Class

      o Implementing Runnable interface

      o Implementing Callable interface

      o Thread Life Cycle

      o Demon Thread & Non-Demon Thread

      o Locking System

      o InterThread Communication (Producer-Consumer)

      o Dead Lock System

      o Thread Methods (sleep, join, yeild etc.)

� JDBC (Statement, Prepared statement,Callable statement)

Advance Java

� Web Applications and HTTP basics

� Servlet & servlet model

� Servlet life cycle

� container model

� session management

� filters, listener

� Web application security

� JSP and JSP elements

� Scriptlets

� expression

� jsp actions

� comments

� implicit objects

� expression language

� Model1 and model2 architecture



� Resource connections

� Data source objects and etc.

Servlet Contents

� Introduction

� Web application Architecture

� Http Protocol & Http Methods

� Web Server & Web Container

� Servlet Interface

� GenericServlet

� HttpServlet

� Servlet Life Cycle

� ServletConfig

� ServletContext

� Servlet Communication

� Servlet-Browser communication

� Web-component communication

� Servlet-Applet Communication

� Creating an object using new operator

� Session Tracking Mechanisms

� HttpSession

� Cookies

� URL-Rewriting

� Hidden-Form Fields

� Filters & Wrappers

� Listeners

� Web-Security

Jsp Contents

� Introduction

� Jsp LifeCycle

� Jsp Implicit Objects & Scopes

� Jsp Directives

� Jsp Scripting Elements

� Jsp Actions

� Standard Actions

� Custom Actions

JSTL & Tag Library

Spring IOC-

� What is Spring

� Spring Modules

� What is IOC

� Dependency Injection

      o Setter Based

      o Constructor Based

� Spring IOC Container

      o Core Container

      o Advance /J2EE Container

      o Setter Based XML & Java Based:-

      o {Primitive,Secondary,Array,Collection,Injection}

      o Constructor Based XML & Java Based:-

      o {Primitive,Secondary,Array,Collection,Injection}

� Autowiring

� Spring Bean life Cycle

� Bean Scope

� Scope Combination

Spring Web MVC:

� Features Of Web MVC

� Life Cycle of Web MVC

� DispatcherServet, Stereotype Annotation in MVC

� Spring Form Validation

� Spring Hibernate Integration (XML and Java Based)

� Mini Project

Spring Boot :

� What is Spring Boot

� Advantages Over Spring Web MVC

� Removal Of XML Files

� Simple Application Using Spring Boot

� Spring Boot Actuator.

� Spring Boot Profiles(DEV,PROD,UAT)

� Spring Boot With Data JPA (CRUD Repository)

� Mini Project Using Spring Boot

Spring Boot JPA:

� What is Spring Boot JPA?

� JPA Annotations

� Curd Repository

� JPA Repository

� Custom Queries

      o Using Method Name

      o JPA Named Queries

      o @Query Annotation

Hibernate (Hibernate 5.X)

� Introduction

� Hibernate architecture

� Installation and Directory Structure

� Hibernate Advantages over JDBC

� ORM (Object Relational Mapping)

� Inheritance in Hibernate

      o Has-A- Relationship-{one to one ,one to Many ,many to one ,many to many}

      o IS-A-Relationship(Table Per class,Subclass,Concreate)

� Hibernate Annotations

� Caching in Hibernate

      o First Level Cache

      o Second Level Cache

� Scalar queries

      o Native SQL

      o o Criteria Builder

      o Name Queries

      o Procedures

� CRUD Operations

Institute Overview

Pune, Maharashtra, India

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