Course Detail

iOS swift training

iOS swift training -

Course Detail

Course Description

iOS Swift
  • Get best iOS swift training in Pune by the top iOS Training Institute in Pune.
  • 100% Practical oriented Sessions.
  • CodeKul has 7 years experience corporate trainers in iOS swift.
  • 100% Job Placement Assistance.
  • Innovative Infrastructure.
  • CodeLabs - You will learn iOS with Industry developer.
  • Low iOS Swift Course Fees.
  • Course Completion Certificate.
  • So for your bright career fill form or call and book your seat for free iOS swift demo lecture in Pune.

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About iOS Swift

Introduction to iOS

iOS is Apple’s mobile operating system developed originally for the iPhone,and later deployed on the iPod Touch and iPad as well. It is derived from Mac OS X, with which it shares the Darwin foundation, and is therefore a Unix-like operating system, by nature. In iOS, there are four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer.

iOS is the operating system at the heart of iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad devices.The iOS platform was built using the knowledge that went into the creation of Mac OS X,and many of the tools and technologies used for development on the platform have their roots in Mac OS X as well. Despite its similarities to Mac OS X, iOS does not require experience developing Mac OS X applications.

The iOS Software Development Kit (SDK) provides everything you need to get started creating iOS applications.The iPhone SDK contains the code, information, and tools you need to develop, test, run, debug and tune applications for iOS. The Xcode tools provide the basic editing, compilation and debugging environment for your code. Xcode also provides the launching point for testing your applications on an iOS device, and in iPhone Simulator a platform that mimics the basic iOS environment but runs on your local Macintosh computer.

iOS comprises the operating system and technologies that you use to run applications natively on devices, such as iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. Although it shares a common heritage and many underlying technologies with Mac OS X, iOS was designed to meet 'the needs of a mobile environment, where users needs are slightly different. If you have previously developed applications for Mac OS X, you will find many familiar technologies,but you will also find technologies that are available only on iOS, such as the Multi-Touch interface and accelerometer support.

Introduction to Swift

Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux. Swift is designed to work with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of extant Objective-C (ObjC) code written for Apple products.

Swift is an alternative to the Objective-C language that employs modern programming-language theory concepts and strives to present a simpler syntax. During its introduction, it was described simply as "Objective-C without the C"

Swift was introduced at Apple's 2014 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC).It underwent an upgrade to version 1.2 during 2014 and a more major upgrade to Swift 2 at WWDC 2015. Initially a proprietary language, version 2.2 was made open-source software under the Apache License 2.0 on December 3, 2015, for Apple's platforms and Linux.


Swift is better than objective-c for the following reasons:

  1. Code length in swift is comparatively smaller than as of Objective-C.
  2. Easy to maintain, resembles English Language.
  3. Object Oriented and Functional.
  4. More simplified as it doesn't need instance variable.
  5. Less execution time as unchanged files aren't recompiled.




  1. Introduction
    1. Xcode
    2. Playground
    3. Writing first program
  2. Variable, constants
    1. Scope, semicolons
    2. comments in code- individual and block
  3. Basic Datatypes
    1. Type safety and casting
    2. String manipulation
  4. Collection Types
    1. Arrays
    2. Dictionaries
  5. Special variable types
    1. AnyObject
    2. AnyClass
    3. Any
    4. Tuples
    5. Optionals
    6. Assertions
    7. Type Aliases
  6. Operators
    1. Assignment
    2. Arithmetic
    3. Compound Assignment
    4. Comparison
    5. Ternary Operator
    6. Logical Operators
  7. Control flow
      1. if statement

    a)nested if statement

    b)else if statement

      1. for in loop
      2. while loop
      3. repeat while loop
      4. switch statement



    c)bind values

    d)where clause

      1. control transfer statements

    a) continue

    b) break

    c) return

    d) fallthrough

    1. control flow using labels
  8. functions
    1. syntax
    2. returning value
    3. returning multiple values
    4. parameters
    5. default values to parameters
    6. variadic parameters
    7. inout parameters
    8. function types
    9. returning function types
    10. nested functions
  9. Enumeration
    1. raw values
    2. associated values
  10. Classes and Objects
    1. Inheritance


  1. Introduction to iOS
    1. Introduction to Xcode
    2. iOS project directory structure
    3. COCOA Framework
    4. COCOA Touch Framework
    5. iOS Application Life cycle
  2. Views and Views Controller
    1. View
    2. View Controller
    3. View Life cycle
    4. Basic Controls - Labels, Button, TextField, TextViews, Slider, Switch, Activity indicator etc.
  3. Advanced Views and Controller
    1. TableView Controller
    2. Date Picker
    3. Picker View
    4. Scroll View
    5. Web View
    6. Navigation Controller
    7. TabBar Controller
  4. XCode Interface Builder (xib)
    1. Introduction to the Interface builder
    2. Creating Outlets and Actions
    3. Handling views programmatically
  5. DataBases
    1. Directory structure of an application
    2. User Defaults
    3. Property List
    4. SQLite database
    5. Core Data
  6. Web Services
    1. Accessing remote data with web services
    2. Parsing XML data
    3. Parsing JSON data
  7. Touches and Gestures
    1. Handling the touch events on view
    2. Adding Gestures to view
  8. Multimedia
    1. Playing an Audio file
    2. Playing a Video file
  9. Maps
    1. Introduction to Map
    2. Adding pin Annotations on map
    3. Handling various map properties
  10. Storyboard
    1. Introduction to Storyboard
    2. implementing Segues to navigate
    3. Passing data from One view controller to another
  11. Designing app using Autolayout
    1. Introduction to constraints
    2. Programmatically changing the UI
    3. ScrollView with Autolayout
    4. Using springs and struts model
  12. Multithreading
    1. Multithreading in an iOS App
    2. Using NSThread
    3. Using GCD ( Grand Central Dispatch )
  13. Notifications
    1. NSNotificationCenter
    2. Local notifications
    3. Remote notifications
  14. Using Camera
    1. Capturing image using camera
    2. Getting the images from the Image Gallery
  15. Using Device Sensors
    1. Accelerometer
    2. GPS
  16. Mails and SMS
    1. Sending mail from your application
    2. Sending SMS from your application
  17. Special controllers for iPad
    1. SplitView Controller
    2. PopOver Controller
  18. Deployment
    1. Creating apple developer account
    2. Managing apple developer account
    3. Publishing an app to the App store

Job Assistance Program

Once you successfully finish your assignments and projects, our counselors provide you with one-on-one career guidance with great emphasis on mock interviews and building an online professional portfolio to help you get noticed by top recruiters.

Resume Building

Our industry experts tell you what exactly to put in your resumes and how to highlight them on top job portals.

Online Reputation Building

We establish your presence on all the right social networks like Git, Stack Overflow, LinkedIn, etc.

Mock Interviews

Our industry experts give you insider tips on how to face the real tech interviews of top firms.

Placement Assistance

Interviews with top MNCs and start-ups and periodic placement drives will be arranged. Stats


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