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Hadoop Course

Hadoop Course - BITA

Course Detail

Course Description

Hadoop Training in Chennai

BITA Academy Offers Best Hadoop Training in Chennai that will help you gain deep knowledge on distributed computing. Contact us if you need a free demo session for our Hadoop Course in Chennai.

Best Hadoop Training in Chennai

Hadoopis an open source Java based framework to store data and run apps on clusters.  Big Data and Hadoop are two high demanding skills that can analyze process and manage the data. This Big Data Hadoop Course is to provide deep knowledge that is required to become an efficient developer in this skill. We offer you real time projects as assignments that will be helpful for you. You will learn to write simple programs that can manage large clusters of data in simpler versions. Our trainers are professionals with more than 10 years who offers best big data Hadoop Training in Chennai. You will work on real time projects based on big data. 

Who should enroll for Hadoop Course?

Hadoop is one of the core skill that is used by many IT enterprises for data analysis and you have to choose the best Hadoop training center in chennai for this Hadoop Training Program. The following can learn this Hadoop Course in Chennai.

  • Software Developers
  • Mainframe Professionals
  • Project Managers
  • Software Testing Professionals
  • Anyone who has passion in Big Data field
  • BI Professionals
  • Any graduates
  • DW Professionals

Why do you need to learn Hadoop Course?

Big Data creates lot of job offers in IT field today as the enterprises requires more than 2L Data Scientist in next couple of years.  It can store and process huge amount of data quickly that helps enterprises to store raw data. It is scalable that allows enterprises to add more nodes to handle large volume of data. You can perform both real time and historic data analysis that helps enterprises to watch their growth trend. So Enterprises expect professionals who has experience in latest skills and it is your responsibility to upgrade your skill often. If you want to schedule jobs with the use of Oozie app, then you should enroll for Big Data Hadoop Training. Once you complete this Hadoop course in Chennai, you will learn to write difficult MapReduce programs.

BITA Academy – Best Hadoop Training Institute in Chennai

  • Once you complete our Hadoop Certification course in chennai, you will gain enough confidence to work in real time projects.
  • We offer Big Data Hadoop Online Training for students who wants to learn it in virtual mode.
  • Our trainer teaching skill is excellent and they are very polite when it comes to clearing doubts.
  • We conduct mock test that will be useful for your Hadoop Interview Preparation. Call us if you want to know more about our Hadoop Training in Chennai. 
  • You will get lifetime support from us even after you complete the course.
  • We have a knowledge of the IT market and our course content is in line with latest trend.
  • And anyone who looks for a career in Big Data field shall contact us anytime.
  • We offer Big Data Hadoop Training with placement assistance that helps our students to find a job in IT field.

Demand for Hadoop Developers

Big Data is a cakewalk in tech market now and you have many job offers in enterprises like IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle etc. Analytics Professional has great demand in various domains like healthcare, automobile and IT. Average salary for a Hadoop Developer is in the range from 10L-15L per annum and the demand for job in the skill is grown by 25% year over year. They have to be the single point of management to ensure that Hadoop Admin happens smoothly across different customer background. They should have good knowledge in Java apps and strong thoughtful in big data concepts. So don’t waste your time. If you need Best Hadoop Training in Chennai Velachery with Placement, Please call us now.

Syllabus for Hadoop Course in Chennai

PART 1: An Overview of Hadoop and Big Data

  • High Availability
  • Scaling
  • Benefits and Challenges
  • What do you know Big Data?
  • How is Big Data important for Enterprises now?
  • Features of Big Data
  • What do you know about Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)?
  • How to Compare Hadoop and SQL?
  • How is Enterprises using Hadoop now?
  • Deep Dive on Hadoop Architecture
  • What do you know Hadoop and HDFS?
  • How to use the Hadoop Single node image?

PART 2: Deep dive on HDFS

  • Design and Concepts.
  • What do you know about Blocks, Nodes and Data nodes?
  • More about High Availability and HDFS Federation
  • Basics of File System Operations
  • Difference between File Read and File Write
  • What do you know Block Placement Policy and Modes?
  • Deep Dive on Config files
  • What do you know about Metadata and Edit log?
  • What do you know about secondary name node and safe mode?
  • How to add new Data Node?
  • Deep Dive on FSCK Utility
  • Deep Dive on Zoo Keeper Election Algorithm

PART 3: Map Reduce

  • Basis of Map Reduce Program
  • How Map Reduce works?
  • What do you know about Map Reduce Job Run?
  • Overview of Legacy Architecture
  • Job Completion and Failures
  • Deep Dive on Shuffling and Sorting
  • Splits and Record Reader
  • Different Types of Partition
  • Combiner
  • How to optimize JVM Reuse and number of Slots?
  • How to compare old and new API?
  • What do you know about YARN?
  • Map Files
  • How to enable compression Codec’s?
  • How to use Map Side Join with distributed cache?
  • Different Types of I/O formats
  • Deep Dive on Input format API and Split API
  • How to create Custom Data Type in Hadoop?

PART 4: HBase

  • How to Install HBase?
  • Deep Dive on Data Model
  • Difference between RDBMS and NOSQL
  • What do you know master and region servers?
  • Catalog Tables
  • Block Cache
  • Splits
  • What do you know about Data Modeling?
  • What do you know about Java API and Rest Interface?
  • Deep dive on Client Side Buffering
  • How to enable replication?
  • How to perform RAW Scans?
  • Filters
  • Bulk Loading

PART 5: Hive

  • How to install Hive?
  • Architecture
  • What do you know about Hive Services?
  • Deep Dive on Hive Server and Hive Web Interface (HWI)
  • Do you know about Meta Store and Hive QL?
  • Difference between OLTP and OLAP
  • How to work with tables?
  • User Defined Functions
  • What do you know about Hive Bucketed Table and Sampling?
  • Deep Dive on Dynamic Partition
  • Difference between ORDER BY, DISTRIBUTE BY and SORT BY
  • What do you know about RC File?
  • Deep Dive on Index and Views
  • How to enable update in Hive?
  • Log Analysis
  • How to access HBASE tables using Hive?

PART 6: Pig

  • How to Install Pig?
  • Different Types of Execution
  • What do you know about Grunt Shell?
  • Pig Latin
  • Data Processing
  • Deep Dive on Primitive Data Types and Complex Data Types
  • Different Types of Schema
  • What do you know about Loading and Storing?
  • Filter
  • Group
  • Types of Join
  • How to use debugging commands?
  • Validations
  • Type Casting in Pig
  • How to work with Functions?
  • Splits
  • How to execute multiple queries?
  • How to handle Errors?
  • Difference between Flatten and Order By
  • What do you know about Piggy Bank?
  • How to access HBASE?


  • How to install Sqoop?
  • How to import Data?
  • Incremental Import
  • Deep Dive on Free form query import
  • How to export data to RDBMS?
  • How to export data to HIVE and HBASE?

PART 8: HCatalog

  • How to install HCatalog?
  • Overview
  • Hands on Exercises

PART 9: Flume

  • How to install Flume?
  • Overview of Flume
  • What do you know about Flume Agents?
  • Different Types of Flume Agents?
  • Deep Dive on Flume commands
  • How to log user information using Java Program?
  • Use Case of Flume

PART 11: Spark

  • What is Apache Spark?
  • Deep Dive on Spark Ecosystem
  • What do you know about Spark components?
  • What is Scala?
  • Why do you need to learn Scala?
  • Deep Dive on Spark Context

PART 12: Apache Zoo Keeper

  • Workflow
  • Overview of Zoo Keeper
  • What do you know about components?
  • Deep Dive on Web Console
  • How to integrate HBASE with Hive and PIG?

PART 11: Hadoop Admin

  • How to create a 4-node cluster?
  • Do you know to configure cluster?
  • How do we need to maintain, monitor and Troubleshoot Hadoop Admin?
  • How to connect ETL with Hadoop Ecosystem?

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