Course Detail

Hadoop Course

Hadoop Course - SourceKode Institute

Course Detail

Course Description

Introduction To Hadoop Training :


“ Apache – Hadoop is an open source framework that’s gaining popularity in the IT industry because of its ability to have low end hardware perform high end processing of data. Hadoop does this by having a high fault tolerance at application layer which allows optimum use of the existing resources.” Hadoop is the preferred technology of most MNC’s with vast data banks in India especially in Pune. At SourceKode, corporates and students are groomed on Hadoop in the best possible manner. Training on Hadoop at SourceKode Pune is a combination of theory and practice along with hands on assistance on live projects.

  • Knowledge of Data Warehousing
  • Knowledge of Business Intelligence
  • Java Programming Language
  • SQL Basics

Introduction To Bigdata Training :



“ Big Data – Today companies , institutions, government, etc face the problem of handling large set of complex data. Challenges include analysis, capture, curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information privacy. This poses a logistical nightmare for developers working on various technologies as the software’s they presently work on cannot handle these large chunks of data.” To handle this ever increasing problem of handling this large and complex data “Big Data” is used. Big data has increased the demand of information management specialists in that Software AG, Oracle Corporation, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, EMC, HPand Dell have spent more than $15 billion on software firms specializing in data management and analytics. In 2010, this industry was worth more than $100 billion and was growing at almost 10 percent a year: about twice as fast as the software business as a whole.

  • Knowledge of Data Warehousing
  • Knowledge of Business Intelligence
  • Java Programming Language
  • SQL Basics

BigData & Hadoop Training Syllabus :


Java Essentials For Hadoop with lab assignment

  • Lesson 1. OOPS and Java
  • Lesson 2. Programming constructs
  • Lesson 3. Data structures
  • Lesson 4. Lab assignment

RDBMS concepts, SQL basics with lab assignment

  • Lesson 1. RDBMS concepts
  • Lesson 2. Table, Master-Detail, Keys, Relations, Indexes
  • Lesson 3. SQL Query, Various JOINS, CO-RELATED QUERY, LIMIT BY
  • Lesson 4. UNIONS
  • Lesson 4. Built-in functions
  • Lesson 4. User functions, procedures
  • Lesson 4. Lab assignment

Course Introduction

  • Lesson 1. What is BIG DATA?
  • Lesson 2. Why BIG DATA?
  • Lesson 3. BIG DATA v/s RDBMS
  • Lesson 4. Course Overview

Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop

  • Lesson 1. Identify the need of Big Data
  • Lesson 2. Explain the concept of Big Data
  • Lesson 3. Describe the basics of Hadoop
  • Lesson 4. Explain the benefits of Hadoop
  • Lesson 5. Quiz

Getting started with Hadoop

  • Lesson 1. Steps to install VMWare Player
  • Lesson 2. Steps to start VM in VMWare Player
  • Lesson 3. Steps to use Oracle VirtualBox to open VM
  • Lesson 4. Starting and existing Hadoop VM

Hadoop Architecture

  • Lesson 1. Describe use of Hadoop in commodity hardware
  • Lesson 2. Explain the various configurations and services of Hadoop
  • Lesson 3. Differentiate between regular file system and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • Lesson 4. Explain HDFS architecture
  • Lesson 5. Quiz

Hadoop Deployment

  • Lesson 1. Explain steps to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS for Hadoop
  • Lesson 2. Describe how to install and configure Hadoop
  • Lesson 3. Identify the steps to install and configure Hadoop in cluster environment
  • Lesson 4. Quiz

Introduction to MapReduce

  • Lesson 1. Concepts of MapReduce
  • Lesson 2. List steps to install Hadoop in Ubuntu machine
  • Lesson 3. Explain roles of user and system
  • Lesson 4. Lab assignment
  • Lesson 5. Quiz


  • Lesson 1. Explain the concepts of Pig
  • Lesson 2. Demostrate the installation of Pig engine
  • Lesson 3. Explain the prerequisites for the preparation of environment for Pig Latin
  • Lesson 4. Lab assignment
  • Lesson 5. Quiz


  • Lesson 1. Describe Hive and its importance
  • Lesson 2. Explain Hive architecture and its various components
  • Lesson 3. Demostrate the installation of Hive
  • Lesson 4. Describe basics of Hive programming
  • Lesson 5. Lab assignment
  • Lesson 6. Quiz


  • Lesson 1. Explain the HBase architecture
  • Lesson 2. Describe the HBase data model
  • Lesson 3. Demostrate the installation of HBase
  • Lesson 4. Explain how to INSERT data and QUERY data from HBase
  • Lesson 5. Quiz

Commercial Distribution of Hadoop

  • Lesson 1. Identify the major commercial distributions of Hadoop
  • Lesson 2. Explain how to download and work on the Cloudera Quickstart VM
  • Lesson 3. Describe how to navigate the Hue interface
  • Lesson 4. Demonstrate how to navigate the Cloudera Manager interface
  • Lesson 5. Explain how to download and work with HortonWorks VM
  • Lesson 6. Demostrate how to navigate the HortonWorks VM interface
  • Lesson 7. Quiz

ZooKeeper, Sqoop and Flume

  • Lesson 1. Explain Zookeeper and its role
  • Lesson 2. List the challenges face in distributed processing
  • Lesson 3. Install and configure ZooKeeper
  • Lesson 4. Explain the concept of Sqoop
  • Lesson 5. Explain the concept of Flume
  • Lesson 6. Configure and run Flume
  • Lesson 7. Configure and run Flume
  • Lesson 8. Quiz

Ecosystem and its components

  • Lesson 1. Explain the Hadoop Ecosystem structure
  • Lesson 2. Describe the different components of Hadoop Ecosystem and their role
  • Lesson 3. Quiz

Hadoop Administration, Troubleshooting and Security with Demo

  • Lesson 1. Explain different configurations of the Hadoop cluster
  • Lesson 2. Identify different parameters for performance monitoring and performance tuning
  • Lesson 3. Explain configuration of security parameters in Hadoop
  • Lesson 4. Quiz

Course Summary


Big Data Hadoop Real Time project - Using Insurance/Retail/Telecom dataset


Hadoop mini-project for submission and institute certificate



  • Language
    English Hindi Marathi
  • Lectures
  • Certification
  • Project
    5 Minor + 1 Major
  • Skill Level
  • Duration
    64 hrs + 36 hrs
  • Max-Students
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