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(Dot NET Framework).NET a perfect programming language which was developed by Microsoft Corporation by February 2002. Dot NET Training is very essential.
A set of technologies for developing and using components to create Web Forms, Web Services & Windows Applications Supports the software life cycle Development,Debugging,Deployment & Maintenance. DOT NET framework has various set of libraries & these libraries supports VB.NET, C#.NET, ASP.NET etc.
Dot Net Framework facing many problems because they have tough coding as compared to other languages but they give correct solutions for these all kind problems because they having many features like GUI (Graphical User Interface) . .NET Framework having numerous and extensive features. These features helps in automatic drag & drop classes and codes.
.NET provides a simple object-oriented model to access most of the Windows application programming interfaces (APIs). It also provides mechanisms by which you can use the existing native code. In addition, it significantly extends the development platform by providing tools and technologies to develop Internet-based distributed applications.