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About Data Structure Training
Information Structures is an idea a methods for putting away an assortment of information. Software engineering is a worry with the investigation of techniques for adequately utilizing a PC to take care of issues. These can be explained by calculations and information structures. Information Structures mention to you what way the information to store in PC memory and how to get to the information proficiently. Numerous applications are planned by information structures stack applications like page visited history in an internet browser, chain of technique brings in the Java virtual machine or C++ Run-time condition, and so forth Queue Application Like Waiting Lines, Multi-programming, and so forth For some applications the decision of appropriate information structure is the main significant choice including the execution. Significantly the database planning and interior usage are done uniquely by utilizing Data Structures systems.
Information Structure Training Course Objective
This Course fundamental goal for the understudy to get Analysis and Designing of the Algorithms and how the various information structures are utilized for proficient getting to of the information and control of the information toward the finish of the session we can ready to Know Different Kinds of information structures and we can ready to give various calculations to existence intricacy.
Data Structure Training Course Duration
Data Structure Training Course Content Overview
Introduction to Data Structure
Performance Analysis
Asymptotic Notations-
Stack Implementation using pointer (dynamic)
Circular queues
Double Ended queue (Deques)
Single linked list
Stack implementation using linked list
Queue implementation using linked list
Doubly linked list
Circular linked list
Circular Doubly Linked List
Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree
Searching Algorithms
Sorting Algorithms
AVL Trees
Red Black Trees
B trees
Priority Queue-Definition
Pattern matching algorithms
Dynamic Programming
Greedy Method
Divide and conquer method