Course Detail

Data Science Course

Data Science Course - Technogeeks

Course Detail

Course Description

Data Science Course in Pune

Data Science Training in Pune | Data Science Classes in Pune

Module 1 - Introduction To Python

      • What is Python and brief history
      • Why Python and who use Python
      • Discussion on Python 2 and 3
      • Unique features of Python
      • Discussion on various IDE’s
      • Demonstration of practical use cases
      • Python use cases using data analysis

Module 2 - Setting Up And Installations

      • Installing python
      • Setting up Python Development Environment
      • Installation of Jupyter Notebook
      • How to access our course material using Jupyter
      • Write your first program in python
      • Deployment on local and cloud platforms using google colab

Module 3 - Python Object And Data Structures Operations

      • Introduction to Python objects
      • Python built-in functions
      • Number objects and operations
      • Variable assignment and keywords, String objects and operations
      • Print formatting with strings
      • List objects and operations
      • Tuple objects and operations
      • Dictionary objects and operations
      • Sets and Boolean
      • Object and data structures assessment test

Module 4 – Python Statements

      • Introduction to Python statements
      • If, elif and else statements
      • Comparison operators
      • Chained comparison operators
      • What are loops
      • For loops
      • While loops
      • Useful operator
      • List comprehensions
      • Statement assessment test
      • Game challenge

Module 5 – UDF Functions And Methods

      • Methods
      • What are various types of functions
      • Creating and calling user defined functions
      • Function practice exercises
      • Lambda Expressions
      • Map and filter
      • Nested statements and scope
      • Args and kwargs in Python
      • Functions and methods assignment

Milestone Project using Python

Module 6 – File And Exception Handling

      • Process files using python
      • Read/write and append file object
      • File functions
      • File pointer and operations
      • Introduction to error handling
      • Try, except and finally
      • Python standard exceptions
      • User defined exceptions
      • Unit testing
      • File and exceptions assignment

Module 7 – Python Modules, Packages & Inbuilt Modules

      • Python inbuilt modules
      • Creating UDM-User defined modules
      • Passing command line arguments
      • Writing packages
      • Define PYTHONPATH
      • __name__ and __main__

Module 8 – OOPs Concepts In Python

      • Object oriented features
      • Implement object oriented programming with Python
      • Creating classes and objects
      • Creating class attributes
      • Creating methods in a class
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
      • Special methods for class

Assignment - Creating a python script to replicate deposits and withdrawals in a bank with appropriate classes and UDFs

Module 9 – Advanced Python Modules

      • Collections module
      • Datetime
      • Python debugger
      • Timing your code
      • Regular expressions
      • StringIO
      • Python decorators
      • Python generators

Module 10 – Package Installation And Parallel Processing

      • Install packages on python
      • Introduction to pip, easy install
      • Multithreading
      • Multiprocessing

Module 11 – Introduction To Machine Learning With Python

      • Understanding Machine Learning
      • Scope of ML
      • Supervised and Unsupervised learning
      • Milestone Project – 2

Module 12 – Data Analysis With Python

      • Introduction to data analysis
      • Why Data analysis?
      • Data analysis and Artificial Intelligence Bridge
      • Introduction to Data Analysis libraries
      • Data analysis introduction assignment challenge

Module 13 – Data Analysis Using Numpy

      • Introduction to Numpy arrays
      • Creating and applying functions
      • Numpy Indexing and selection
      • Numpy Operations
      • Exercise and assignment challenge

Module 14 – Pandas And Advanced Analysis

      • Introduction to Series
      • Introduction to DataFrames
      • Data manipulation with pandas
      • Missing data
      • Groupby
      • Merging, joining and Concatenating
      • Operations
      • Data Input and Output
      • Pandas in depth coding exercises
      • Text data mining and processing
      • Data mining applications in Data engineering
      • POC - Analysis of e-commerce dataset using pandas
      • POC - Getting insights on employee salaries data using data analysis in python

Module 15 – Data Visualization With Python


      • Plotting using Matplotlib
      • Plotting Numpy arrays
      • Plotting using object-oriented approach
      • Subplots using matplotlib
      • Matplotlib attributes and functions
      • Matplotlib exercises

Seaborn Visualization

      • Categorical Plot using Seaborn
      • Distributional plots using Seaborn
      • Matrix plots
      • Grids
      • Seaborn exercises

Project- Getting insights using python analysis and visualizations on finance credit score data.


Assignment- Pandas built-in data visualization Data visualization

Module 16 – Mathematics And Statistics For Data Science

      • Need of Mathematics for Data Science
      • Exploratory data analysis (EDA)
      • Numeric Variables
      • Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
      • Types of Data Formats
      • Measuring the Central Tendency – The Model
      • Measuring Spread – Variance and Standard Deviation
      • Euclidean Distance
      • Confidence Coefficient
      • Understanding Parametric Tests

Module 17- Machine Learning Algorithms

      • Introduction to Data Science
      • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
      • Introduction to Machine Learning
      • Need of Machine learning in forecasting
      • Demand of forecasting analytics in current industrial trends
      • Introduction to Machine Learning Algorithms Categories
      • Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)
      • Introduction to Deep Learning

Linear Regression with Python

      • Introduction to Regression
      • Exercise on Linear Regression using Scikit Learn Library
      • Project on Linear regression using USA_HOUSING data
      • Evaluation of Linear regression using python visualizations
      • Practice project for Linear regression using advertisement data set to predict appropriate advertisements for users.

K- Nearest neighbours using Python

      • Exercise on K-Nearest neighbors using Sci-kit Learn Library
      • Project on Logistic regression using Dogs and horses’ dataset
      • Getting the correct number of clusters
      • Evaluation of model using confusion matrix and classification report
      • Standard scaling problem
      • Practice project on KNN algorithm.

Decision tree and Random forest with python

      • Intuition behind Decision trees
      • Implementation of decision tree using a real time dataset
      • Ensemble learning
      • Decision tree and random forest for regression
      • Decision tree and random forest for classification
      • Evaluation of the decision tree and random forest using different methods
      • Practice project on decision tree and random forest using social network
      • Data to predict if someone will purchase an item or not

Support Vector Machines

      • Linearly separable data
      • Non-linearly separable data
      • SVM project with telecom dataset to predict the users portability

Principal Component Analysis

      • Introduction to PCA
      • Need for PCA
      • Implementation to select a model on breast-cancer dataset
      • Model evaluation
      • Bias variance trade-off
      • Accuracy paradox
      • CAP curve and analysis

Clustering in unsupervised learning

      • K-means clustering intuition
      • Implementation of K-means with Python using mall customers data to implement clusters on the basis of spending and income
      • Hierarchical clustering intuition
      • Implementation of Hierarchical clustering with python

Association Algorithms

      • A priori theory and explanation
      • Market basket analysis
      • Implementation of Apriori
      • Evaluation of association learning

POC - To make a model to predict the relationship between frequently bought products together on the given dataset from a supermarket.

Module 18 - Natural Language Processing with NLTK

      • Introduction to Natural Language processing
      • NLTK Python library
      • Data stemming technique
      • Data Vectorization
      • Exercise on NLTK
      • POC- Apply NLP techniques to understand reviews given by customers in a dataset and predict if a review is good/bad without human intervention.

Module 19 - Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras

      • Neural Network and Deep Learning
      • What is TensorFlow?
      • TensorFlow Installation
      • TensorFlow basics
      • TensorFlow with Contrib Learn
      • TensorFlow Exercise
      • What is Keras?
      • Keras Basics
      • Pipeline implementation using Keras
      • MNIST implementation with Keras

Module 20 – Rest API With Flask And Python

      • REST principles
      • Creating application endpoints
      • Implementing endpoints
      • Using Postman for API testing

Module 21 - Rest API Integration With Databases For Web App Development

      • CRUD operations on database
      • REST principles and connectivity to databases
      • Creating a web development API for login registers and connecting it to the database
      • Deploying the API on a local server

Module 22 - Major Project

    • Project use cases Introduction
    • Project Scenarios
    • Project life cycle
    • What is version controlling in project management
    • What is GitHub
    • Significance of GitHub in project management
    • Code submission for testing and deployment
    • Predictive analytics tools and techniques
    • Project best practices

Institute Overview

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Our Story Technogeeks is a Group of IT working professionals, located in Pune. Technogeeks Trainers are working on real-time projects on multiple technologies and always believe to share the knowledge and best practices to help the candidates to bui... Read More

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