Course Detail

Core JAVA Course

Core JAVA Course - Blend InfoTech

Course Detail

Course Description

Core Java Content:

Java programming language is developed by Sun Microsystems. Java is object oriented, platform independent, simple, secure, architectural–neutral, portable, robust, multi threaded, high performance, distributed and dynamic. It can be used to develop software and also applets. A java program can run on various operating systems without rewriting the code. And this is possible because of java run-time environment which tells the operating system what to do by interpreting the java code.

Java Language, OOPS, Programming

  • Introduction to Java and OOPS
  • Java Tokens- Comments, Identifiers, Keywords, Separators
  • Working with Java Editor Softwares – Editplus, NetBeans, Eclipse
  • Packages with static imports
  • Working with jar
  • Modifiers – File level, Access level and Non-access level
  • Datatypes, Literals, Variables, Type Conversion, Casting & Promotion
  • Reading runtime values from keyboard and Properties File
  • Operators and Control Statements
  • Method and Types of methods
  • Variable and Types of Variables
  • Constructor and Types of constructors
  • Block and Types of Blocks
  • Declarations, Invocations and Executions
  • Compiler & JVM Architecture with Reflection API
  • Static Members and their execution control flow
  • Non-Static Members and their execution control flow
  • Final Variables and their rules
  • Classes and Types of classes
  • OOPS- Fundamentals, Models, Relations and Principles
  • Coupling and Cohesion (MVC and LCRP Architectures)
  • Types of objects & Garbage Collection
  • Arrays and Var-arg types
  • Enum and Annotation
  • Design Patterns

Java API and Project

  • API & API Documentation
  • Fundamental Classes – Object, Class, System, Runtime
  • String Handling
  • Exception Handling and Assertions
  • Multithreading with JVM Architecture
  • IO Streams (File IO)
  • Networking (Socket Programming)
  • Wrapper Classes with Auto boxing & unboxing
  • Collections with Generics
  • Java 5, 6, 7, 8 new features
  • Inner classes
  • AWT, Swings, Applet
  • Regular Expressions
  • Formatting date, time (java.text package)
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Introduction to Java

  • Features of Java
  • Introduction to difference java versions
  • Introduction to JVM, JIT, class loader and bytecode

Language Fundamentals

  • Identifiers and Keywords
  • Primitives Data types
  • Object Reference Types
  • Literals and Variables
  • Scoping and Parameter passing (by value & by reference)
  • Comments and Javadocs
  • Compilation and Execution using javac & java
  • Flow Control Statements
  • Arrays

Operators and Assignments

  • Introduction to Operators
  • Their Precedence & Associativity
  • Conversions: Narrowing & Widening Conversions
  • Assignments and Initializations

Declarations And Access Control

  • Access Modifiers for Class
  • Non Access Modifiers for Class
  • Access Modifiers for Class Members
  • Non Access Modifiers for Class Members
  • Packages
  • Static imports

Object Oriented Programming

  • Creating Classes and Instances
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism(Method Overloading & Overriding) Abstract classes and Interfaces
  • Constructors and Initialization
  • Reference Variable Casting
  • Static data and methods

Object Lifetime

  • Object creation and initialization
  • Memory Organization
  • Garbage Collection
  • Object Finalization

Exception Handling and Assertions

  • Traditional Error Handling Techniques
  • Importance of Exception Handling
  • Exception Handling Framework
  • Stack-based Execution
  • Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
  • User defined Exceptions
  • Cautions When Using Exceptions
  • Assertions
  • Exception Chaining

Streams and Files java IO

  • Files and Streams
  • File handling and File IO
  • Serialization



  • Java Thread Model
  • Thread Class & Runnable Interface
  • Types of Threads - User, Demon
  • Creating Your Own Threads
  • Threads States and Life cycle
  • Thread Methods: yield(), sleep(), currentThread() etc
  • Scheduling and Thread Priorities
  • Concurrency Control and Synchronization
  • Deadlocks
  • Inter-thread communication

Fundamental Classe

  • Wrapper Classes
  • Autoboxing/ Unboxing
  • Math Class
  • String and StringBuffer Classes
  • Date and Calendar

Collections and Maps

  • Core Interfaces and classes
  • Use of Sets
  • Use of Lists
  • Use of Maps
  • Sorted Maps, Sorted Sets
  • Choosing appropriate collections
  • Enumerations and Iterators
  • Use of Equals and Hashcode methods
  • Comparable and Comparator interfaces
  • java.util.Collections class
  • Generics: Use of generics, wildcard instantiation

Introduction to Inner Classes

  • Static/Non-Static Member Class
  • Local Class
  • Anonymous Class
  • Problems with Inner Classes


  • Types of Drivers
  • Database Connectivity
  • Executing SQL statements(DDL, DML, DLL)
  • Prepared and callable Statements
  • Types of Resultsets, ResultSetMetaData, Rowsets
  • Introduction to Transactions
  • Batch Updates
  • Connection Pooling

XML Processing JAXP

  • Difference b/w DOM and SAX parsers
  • Using DOM & SAX APIs


  • Basic Fundamentals of Logging
  • Understanding different logging levels
  • Creating and writing to log files

More Features

  • Enums
  • VarArgs
  • Introduction to Annotations

Free introduction to Android

  • Get free introduction to Android.

Institute Overview

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Blend InfoTech  Blend Group is having its Corporate Office at Pune. Blend is a Group of companies started by a group of professionals with vision to excel in the field of Information Technology, Finance and Various Services, like Tr... Read More

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