Course Detail

Core JAVA Course

Core JAVA Course - Technogeeks

Course Detail

Course Description

Learn Core Java Programming - Beginner to Master

Core Java Course Content

Introduction to Core Java

      • History of Java
      • What is Java , Java Flavours, Characteristics
      • JVM Architecture
      • Bytecode
      • Class Loader
      • Unicode
      • Classpath
      • Path

Core Java Fundamentals

      • Object oriented concepts (OOP)
      • Keywords, Datatypes, Variables, Operators, Casting
      • Selection statement ( if, switch )
      • Control statements ( while, do while , for )
      • Conditional statements ( if, else, else if, ? :)
      • Static
      • Arrays

Object Oriented Programming with Java

      • Classes and Objects
      • Structure of a class - its internals ( Data Members, methods )
      • Using static
      • Constructor
      • this keyword
      • What is access modifiers in java
      • Playing with the object ( copying, casting )
      • Garbage Collection in Java
      • Abstract Class in Java

Inheritance in Java

      • Basics (extends keyword in java)
      • Modifiers and their scope in java
      • Deriving a class
      • Super, Final keyword
      • Abstract class
      • Why java does not support multiple inheritance?

Polymorphism in Java

      • Overloading a method
      • Overloading a constructor
      • Method overriding
      • Accessing base class method

Packages and Interfaces

      • Basics
      • Modifiers and their scope chart
      • Setting class path
      • Compiling and accessing a packaged class
      • Types of packages
      • User defined package

Exploring java.lang package

      • String, StringBuffer, Arrays
      • Wrapper Classes

Core Java Exception Handling

      • Basics
      • Hierarchy of exceptions
      • Handling exception - Try, catch, finally, throw, throws
      • User defined exceptions


      • What is Struts?
      • Struts classes – ActionForward, ActionForm,
      • ActionServlet, Action classes
      • Understanding Action Mappings
      • Struts flow with an example application
      • Struts Tiles Framework
      • Struts Validation Framework
      • Internationalizing Struts Application
      • Struts with Message Resources

I/O Streams

      • Introduction
      • Hierarchy of streams
      • IO Stream, Byte Stream, Character Streams
      • BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream
      • Reader and Writer class
      • BufferedReader, PrintWriter
      • Serialization

Java collections framework

      • Basics, Hierarchy
      • Legacy Classes – Vector, Queue, Stack, Enumeration, Dictionary, Properties
      • List, ArrayList, LinkedList
      • Set, HashSet, TreeSet
      • Map, HashMap, TreeMap


      • Generics
      • Annotations
      • Boxing / Unboxing
      • Enums
      • Utility creation
      • Jar creation

Functional Programming in Java

      • Tools
        • Javadoc
        • javap
        • jar
      • IDE Tools
        • eclipse / intellij

J2EE Syllabus

J2EE Fundamentals

      • 1Client, Server, Port, Application, Web Server, Application Server, Web Client and Web Application
      • Installation of Java and Understanding PATH and CLASSPATH
      • Installation of Eclipse
      • Installation of Tomcat and structure of Tomcat
      • Linking any Web Server with Eclipse
      • Static Resource Access from Tomcat

Servlet Internals and Servlet Programming

      • What are Servlets and why do we need Servlets?
      • Servlet Development with Eclipse
        • Developing Servlets
        • Compiling Servlets
        • Deployment and Invoking of Servlets
      • Purpose of Servlet Mapping and web.xml
      • Servlet Architecture
        • Detailed Architecture of Servlets
        • Discussion of GenericServlet, HttpServlet Interfaces
        • Programming Examples
      • Servlet Life Cycle
      • HTTP Internals
        • Detailed discussion of all parameters of request and response packets
        • Discussion of HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse interfaces
      • Session Tracking API
        • Practical visualization of Http Session objects and Session table
        • Session Tracking API
        • Session Tracking Programming
      • Cookies, URL Rewriting and Hidden Form Fields
      • Session Tracking API
      • ServletContext Object
      • RequestDispatcher Object
      • Filters
        • Why do we need filters?
        • Filter, FilterChain, FilterConfig interfaces
        • Programming examples
      • Application / Attribute Lifecycle Listeners
        • Why do we need Lifecycle Listeners?
        • ServletContext and ServletContext Attribute Listeners
        • Session and Session Attribute Listeners
        • Programming Examples

Java Server Pages (JSP) Internals and Programming

      • What is JSP? Why do we need JSP?
      • JSP development with Eclipse
      • JSP Life Cycle
      • Predefined Objects of JSP
        • Request, response, out and session objects
        • config, application, pagecontext objects
      • Scripting Tags (Writing Java code inside JSP)
      • Directives
        • @page, @include directives
      • Action tags of JSP
        • Difference between jsp:forward, jsp:include and @include tags
        • Programming examples to illustrate each tag
      • Expression Language
        • Why do we need EL?
        • Reading scoped attributes using EL
        • Reading bean properties using EL
        • Reading collections using EL
        • Operators of EL
        • Programming examples to illustrate each usage
      • JSTL (JSP standard tag library)
        • Why do we need JSTL?
        • Looping tags
        • Control tags
        • Database tags
        • 118N tags
        • Programming examples to illustrate each category of tags

Custom tags

      • Custom tag creation based on Servlets
      • Custom tag creation based on JSP
      • Concept of tld file
      • Programming examples to illustrate each concept

Java Beans

      • What are Java beans and why do we need Java beans?
      • Action tags for java beans
      • Application of Java beans
      • Programming examples to illustrate each concept

MVC Architecture

      • Why do we need MVC?
      • Discussion of pros and cons of Servlets, JSP and JavaBeans
      • Programming example to illustrate Business logic, Controller logic, Presentation logic and Bean creation
      • Programming examples to illustrate each concept

Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC) internals and programming

      • What is JDBC? Why do we need JDBC?
      • Discussion of JDBC driver types and Driver Manager
      • Connection object
      • Statement types and Discussion of each type of Statement Objects
      • ResultSet Types and Discussion of each type
      • Stored Procedure Access from java applications
      • Transaction Programming with JDBC
      • Savepoint and RowSet
      • DataSource and Connection Pooling
      • Batch Updates
      • JNDI
      • Webservers
      • Tomcat/JBoss
      • Build Tool - Maven
Project: Implementation of traditional MVC in any domain

Spring Framework

      • Spring core
        • Types of containers
        • Xml configuration
        • Core annotations
        • Component – scan
        • What can be injected into a bean?
      • Spring MVC
        • Handler Mapping
        • Controllers
        • View resolvers
        • Validators
        • interceptors
      • Spring DAO
        • Jdbc templates
        • Exception hierarchy
      • Spring ORM
        • Hibernate template
        • Integration with hibernate
      • Spring AOP
        • Point cut
        • Advisors
        • Types of advices
      • Spring – webservices (Restful API)
      • Spring security
      • Spring Data JPA

Hibernate ORM (Ver. 5.x)

      • Introduction to ORM (Object Relational Management)
      • Benefits of ORM
      • Hibernate jar files
      • Hibernate Architecture
        • SessionFactory , Session, Transaction, Query
        • Understanding config files .hibernate.xml, .hbm.xml
      • Performing CRUD operations
      • load, get, save, saveorupdate, delete
      • HQL
        • Working with various SQL commands
        • Accessing more than one object from the table
      • Mapping
        • Inheritance
        • Collection
        • Association
      • Cache
        • Level – I and II
        • Using third party to configure L2 cache
Note: Project orientation on Spring and Hibernate

Spring Boot (2.x)

    • Introduction / Benefits
    • Spring Boot overview
    • Bootstrapping an Boot Application
    • Initializer
    • Auto Configuration
    • Spring Boot annotations
    • Spring Boot properties
    • Spring Boot profiles
    • Accessing data with Spring Boot and h2 database
    • Configuring Spring Boot with spring MVC application
    • Building a Restful web application with Spring Boot
    • Introduction to Micro Services

Institute Overview

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Our Story Technogeeks is a Group of IT working professionals, located in Pune. Technogeeks Trainers are working on real-time projects on multiple technologies and always believe to share the knowledge and best practices to help the candidates to bui... Read More

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