Course Detail

Artificial -intelligence-training-courses

Artificial -intelligence-training-courses - logicraysacademy

Course Detail

Course Description

Right now in industry people uses many terms like Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, deep Learning , Data Discovery , Data Science, Data Analytics very interchangibly but they all are very similiar to each other. In other way we can say that all the fields are stiched together and uses similiar techniques. In one sentence, Artificial Intelligence is way of creating a computer program that improves with experiments. Generally AI involves creating models (models means program logic that can not be written by humans itself). For example think about writing program logic for Face Recognition, how would you write with your programming knowledge it is quite difficult , isn’t it? So, to handle that kind of task you will use Artificial Intelligence technique.
Artificial Intelligence is active field of research and have vast promissing in the present time and near future. All the BIG TECH Giants are using Artificial Intelligence in their hard core products. Think about Amazon , Google, Flipkart, Dropbox, Zomato, Facebook, Spotify, etc. all these company are using AI in their product development.

Institute Overview

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Logicrays is a multinational IT company which is also providing IT training to IT / non-IT freshers and professionals . Logicrays is based in Ahmedabad and other branch is in Manchester,UK . We are working as a leading software development company wi... Read More

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