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Techfly Provided Angular JS Training in Jodhpur. Angular JS is A structural framework for dynamic web applications. It is MVC (Model–View–Controller) pattern based advanced client-side framework, that allows much more expressive and readable codes to extend the HTML vocabulary and written code.W e have to take for granted when working with a library like jQuery but Angular JS runs right out of the box with no library dependencies,
It is entirely JavaScript and entirely client-side, so anywhere JavaScript & Angular JS can run. It’s also small compressed and minified it’s less than 29 kb. And it’s open source under the MIT license.
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It can be added to an HTML page with a <script> tag.
AngularJS extends HTML attributes with Directives and binds data to HTML with Expressions.
AngularJS version 1.0 was released in 2012.
Miško Hevery, a Google employee, started to work with AngularJS in 2009.
The idea turned out very well, and the project is now officially supported by Google.