Course Detail

AngularJS-6 Course

AngularJS-6 Course - SourceKode Institute

Course Detail

Course Description

AngularJS-6 Training | AngularJS-6 Course | AngularJS-6 Institutes

AngularJS Training Course - SourceKode Institute
Average Rating: 4.3
Votes: 134
Reviews: 47
Angular 2 Course & Training In Pune

Course Description


Angular is a dynamic and robust JavaScript-based development framework used to create Single Page Applications. This open source framework backed by Google is widely popular for creating dynamic apps as its data binding and dependency injection features significantly reduce the amount of code that needs to be written.


Angular 6 Training Objectives


All students will learn to:

  • Understand how Angular is different from traditional web development frameworks
  • Code using new ES6 and TypeScript language features
  • Develop an application from scratch using Angular 6
  • Explore Angular coding and architecture best practices
  • Understand and use Angular Forms, Observables, Dependency Injection, and Routing
  • Retrieve, update, and delete data using Angular’s Http service
  • All the parts of an Angular application including Modules, Components, Services, and Pipes
  • Create, build, and deploy an Angular (Angular 6) application using the Angular CLI
  • Develop reusable elements (even out of Angular applications) using angular elements
  • Develop dynamic model-driven forms that are easier to unit test


  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript OOP basics
  • ES6 - class, extend, arrow function, import
  • Basic Typescript

AngularJS 6 Syllabus :



  • Lesson 1. What is Angular and why used?
  • Lesson 2. Angular with Past, Present & Future
  • Lesson 3. AngularJS Vs Angular
  • Lesson 4. Understanding Angular Versions - Angular 2, Angular 4, Angular 5, Angular 6, Angular 7

TypeScript & ES6

  • Lesson 1. Introduction - What is Typescript, Why Typescript, Setup and installation, IDE support
  • Lesson 2. Scoping using Let and Const Keywords ( ES6 )
  • Lesson 3. Template Literals ( ES6 )
  • Lesson 4. Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters ( ES6 )
  • Lesson 5. Destructuring ( ES6 )

Power of Types

  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Type inference
  • Lesson 3. Type Annotations
  • Lesson 4. Number
  • Lesson 5. Boolean
  • Lesson 6. String
  • Lesson 7. Array
  • Lesson 8. Tuple
  • Lesson 9. Enum
  • Lesson 10. Any
  • Lesson 11. Void
  • Lesson 12. Null and Undefined
  • Lesson 13. Never (Typescript 2)

Explore Functions

  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Using types in functions
  • Lesson 3. Function as types
  • Lesson 4. Optional and default parameters
  • Lesson 5. Arrow functions
  • Lesson 6. Function overloading


  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Inheritance
  • Lesson 3. Access modifiers
  • Lesson 4. Getters and setters
  • Lesson 5. Read only & static
  • Lesson 6. Abstract classes


  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Optional properties and methods
  • Lesson 3. Read only & const
  • Lesson 4. Strict structural contract
  • Lesson 5. Extending interface
  • Lesson 6. Implementing interface

Setting up Development Environment

  • Lesson 1. Steps to Setup for local development environment
  • Lesson 2. Installing Git and NodeJS, Angular CLI
  • Lesson 3. Using the Angular CLI
  • Lesson 4. Executing First Angular program using NodeJS and NPM
  • Lesson 5. Executing First Angular program using Visual Studio

Architecture Overview

  • Lesson 1. Understanding Building Blocks of Angular Applications - Modules, Components, Templates, Metadata, Data binding, Directives, Services, Dependency injection
  • Lesson 2. Angular Modules and @NgModule decorator


  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. @Component decorator
  • Lesson 3. Component configuration object
  • Lesson 4. Custom components
  • Lesson 5. Component with templates - Inline, External
  • Lesson 6. Component with Styles - Inline, External
  • Lesson 7. Components Life Cycle Hooks
  • Lesson 8. Dynamic components using ngComponentOutlet


  • Lesson 1. HTML as template
  • Lesson 2. Data binding
  • Lesson 3. Interpolation
  • Lesson 4. Property Binding
  • Lesson 5. Event Binding
  • Lesson 6. Two way binding
  • Lesson 7. Template expressions
  • Lesson 8. Template syntax
  • Lesson 9. Attribute, class and style bindings (ngStyle, ngClass)
  • Lesson 10. Communicating with Child Components Using @Input
  • Lesson 11. Communicating with Parent Components Using @Output
  • Lesson 12. Template reference variables
  • Lesson 13. Safe navigation operator


  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Built-in directives
  • Lesson 3. Structural directive - NgIf, NgFor, NgSwitch
  • Lesson 4. Attribute directive - NgClass, NgStyle, NgModel
  • Lesson 5. @Directive decorator


  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. Built-in pipes
  • Lesson 3. @Pipe decorator
  • Lesson 4. Custom pipe development

Angular Forms

  • Lesson 1. Introduction
  • Lesson 2. @angular/forms library
  • Lesson 3. Template driven forms
  • Lesson 4. Form and field validation
  • Lesson 5. Validation check with ng-pristine,ng-dirty, ng-touched, ng-untouched, ng-valid, ng-invalid
  • Lesson 6. Show and hide validation error messages
  • Lesson 7. Form submission with ngSubmit
  • Lesson 8. Reactive/ Model driven forms
  • Lesson 9. ReactiveFormsModule
  • Lesson 10. FormGroup, FormControl classes
  • Lesson 11. FormBuilder for easy form building
  • Lesson 12. Validations using Validators
  • Lesson 13. Setting form model using setValue and patchValue
  • Lesson 14. Use FormArray to build repeated from controls or form groups

Understanding Services and Implementing Dependency Injection

  • Lesson 1. Why DI
  • Lesson 2. @Injectable decorator
  • Lesson 3. Custom service development
  • Lesson 4. Registering the service with NgModule using providers key
  • Lesson 5. Provider Types - Class, Factory, Value

Angular Routing

  • Lesson 1. What is Routing?
  • Lesson 2. Why do we need a Router?
  • Lesson 3. Setting up and Loading Routes
  • Lesson 4. Navigating with Router Links
  • Lesson 5. Understanding Navigation Paths
  • Lesson 6. Styling Active Router Links
  • Lesson 7. Navigating Programmatically
  • Lesson 8. Using Relative Paths in Programmatic Navigation
  • Lesson 9. Passing Parameters to Routes
  • Lesson 10. Fetching Route Parameters
  • Lesson 11. Fetching Route Parameters Reactively
  • Lesson 12. Route Observables
  • Lesson 13. Passing Query Parameters and Fragments
  • Lesson 14. Retrieving Query Parameters & Fragments
  • Lesson 15. Setting up Child(Nested) Routes


  • Lesson 1. Performing CRUD Operations as in Realtime Angular Application

At The End Of The Course, Participants Will Be Able To

  • Build native mobile apps for Android, iOS and using Angular 6
  • Understand the fundamentals of Angular Forms and its architecture
  • Present data in beautiful, interactive lists
  • Build forms and setting pages
  • Implement Single page application (SPA)

Syllabus Updates : We keep adding upgrading our syllabus every 6-12 months to accommodate for advancement. Some topics can be omitted from syllabus without prior notice as they might be redundant or not relevant to the batch being trained.

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