Course Detail

AngularJS-5 Course

AngularJS-5 Course - SourceKode Institute

Course Detail

Course Description

Course Description


Angular 2 is released in the year 2016. The most important thing to keep in mind is that Angular 2 is not a simple upgrade from angular 1. Angular 2 is completely rewritten from AngularJS.

Most believe that Angular 2 and AngularJS share many points in common and that it is a migration path (called ng-upgrade) from AngularJS to Angular 2. However, the truth about Angular 2 is entirely different from what most believe it to be, Angular 2.0 is a brand new framework sharing only some concepts of its predecessor.

The entire concept of the application development structure has changed in Angular 2. Previously it was the MVC framework that allowed you to create applications in the pattern of rather tightly coupled entities like controllers, views, services, etc.




BSc, BCS, BCA, BE, B.Tech, MSc, MCS, MCA, M.Tech


AngularJS 5 Syllabus :


Introduction to Web & Angular

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to Web
  • Lesson 2. Brushing up with web ( HTML,CSS, JavaScript )
  • Lesson 3. Introduction to AngularJS
  • Lesson 4. MVC Architecture
  • Lesson 5. Conceptual Overview
  • Lesson 6. Setting up the Environment
  • Lesson 7. First Application
  • Lesson 8. Understanding ng attributes

Introduction to JavaScript

  • Lesson 1. Introduction to Client Side Scripting
  • Lesson 2. Introduction to Java Script
  • Lesson 3. JavaScript Types
  • Lesson 4. Variables in JS
  • Lesson 5. Operators in JS
  • Lesson 6. Conditions Statements (If, If Else, Switch)
  • Lesson 7. Java Script Loops (For Loop, While Loop, Do While Loop)
  • Lesson 8. JS Popup Boxes (Alert, Prompt, Confirm)
  • Lesson 9. JS Events
  • Lesson 10. Functions

Introduction to AngularJS

  • Lesson 1. Why Angular?
  • Lesson 2. AngularJS 1 Vs Angular 2 Vs Angular 4
  • Lesson 3. What is Angular 2 & Angular 4?

EcmaScript6 Features

  • Lesson 1. ES6 - Constant & Block scoped variables
  • Lesson 2. Classes
  • Lesson 3. Refresher on 'this'
  • Lesson 4. Arrow Functions
  • Lesson 5. Template String
  • Lesson 6. Inheritance, etc...

TypeScript Features

  • Lesson 1. Getting Started with TypeScript
  • Lesson 2. Working with tsc
  • Lesson 3. TypeScript Features
  • Lesson 4. TypeScript Classes
  • Lesson 5. Interfaces
  • Lesson 6. Decorators
  • Lesson 7. Property, Class, Parameter Decorators

QuickStart AngularJS 2

  • Lesson 1. Setting up Our Environment
  • Lesson 2. Setting up an Angular 2 App
  • Lesson 3. Global API

QuickStart Angular 4

  • Lesson 1. Setting up Our Environment
  • Lesson 2. Setting up an Angular 4 App
  • Lesson 3. Global API

Data Binding in Angular

  • Lesson 1. One Way & Two Way Data Binding
  • Lesson 2. Understanding Modules
  • Lesson 3. Angular Bootstrap Process
  • Lesson 4. Angular's Dependency Injection
  • Lesson 5. What is Dependency Injection?

Understanding Component

  • Lesson 1. Creating Components
  • Lesson 2. Passing data into a Component
  • Lesson 3. Responding to Component Events
  • Lesson 4. Using Other Components
  • Lesson 5. Advanced Component
  • Lesson 6. Component Lifecycle

Introduction to Directives

  • Lesson 1. Attribute Directives
  • Lesson 2. Creating Attribute Directives
  • Lesson 3. Structural Directives
  • Lesson 4. Creating Structural Directives

Pipes in Angular

  • Lesson 1. Built-in Pipes
  • Lesson 2. Parameterizing a Pipe
  • Lesson 3. Chaining Pipe
  • Lesson 4. Creating Custom Pipes

Understanding Services

  • Lesson 1. Creating Custom Services
  • Lesson 2. HTTP Client, etc..
  • Lesson 3. Routing & Navigation
  • Lesson 4. Why Routing?
  • Lesson 5. Configuring the Routes
  • Lesson 6. Basic Navigation
  • Lesson 7. Using Route Parameters
  • Lesson 8. Defining Child Routes

Syllabus Updates : We keep adding upgrading our syllabus every 6-12 months to accommodate for advancement. Some topics can be omitted from syllabus without prior notice as they might be redundant or not relevant to the batch being trained.

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