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Android is a mobile operating System, developed by Google that powers hundreds of millions of mobile devices. It is based on Linux kernel with a user interface designed primarily for touch screen devices. It is software cluster consisting not only operating system but also middleware and key software applications. There is an Android market which is an online software store for android consisting of more than 200000 applications with over 3 billion+ downloads. Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security management, process management, but for software development android provides SDK (Software Development Kit).
Android was founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick sears in Palo Alto, California in October 2003. Later Android was acquired by Google on august 17, 2005. The disruption of Android can be credited to the unveiling of I-phone, after which reengineering of OS to combine effective traits began to compete with I phone. After that several versions of Android were released.
Android is the “heart beat” of the mobile software industry as it powers multi thousands of smart phones. There are a millions of users around the globe, which clearly reflects that the professionals required to fuel the operating software requirements is immense. In addition, Android is available in 46 languages therefore the opportunities are tremendous.
Software professionals particularly those specialized in Android gets special attention in the market as the consumers demand of creative and imaginative apps, creates opportunity for the company to keep updating and designing the innovative applications on the mobile. For these the company needs skilled professionals and this result in increasing job opportunities and career growth.
There are various steps to create the Android App and run a debuggable version of the app. Firstly the environmental development is set up.
After that fundamentals of app design is learned, which includes how to build up a simple user interface and handle user input. Then the projects with Eclipse and command tools are created. The concept of middleware is also an important topic and should be learned. Students can join CETPA a ‘training school’ providing Android training at international level, it also arrange short term training course that benefits working professional with the learning of technology in petite time period.
When it comes to the matter of Android training, CETPA is the best option as it is ISO 9001:2015 certified company which can cover the technicalities of Android in detail. It is the company which offers Android 4/6 weeks summer training classes in different cities of India: Noida (NCR), Lucknow, , Dehradun and Rooekee on upgraded software and technologies which differentiates the students of CETPA from others.
This certification proves the credibility of the company and reflects the importance from the student’s point of view to choose CETPA as their mentor to achieve their heartfelt desires. After the completion of Android training, trainee can also enrol with vocational training to have deeper and advanced knowledge of Android.
Learning from various sources like internet, books can increase one’s chance of achieving success and developing good connections with the professionals. Further android is a technology which gets upgraded very quickly. Hence these links can prove to be helpful in every aspect. Students should devote some time in researching on these links.
It’s the mandatory thing that a student wants a good job after getting trained. CETPA has been training students for over 12 years, and it has fulfilled the dream of students by giving 6 months industrial training and internship program that provides placements in top companies with an average package of 2 LPA. This quality of CETPA motivates students to perform excellently well in their field and for society as well. CETPA offers placement assistance for foreigner students also who are connected with technical training of CETPA offered under the guidance of expert trainers. Below mentioned are some of the motivational statistics which can help students to join CETPA for an exciting experience.
Please visit the link for more information on placements. Click Here.