Course Detail

Android Course

Android Course - Blend InfoTech

Course Detail

Course Description

Android Course Details: Android Training Content

Android is the mobile operating system developed by Google. It is a combination of middle-ware and key applications. Using android we can develop mobile and tablet supported applications. It is Linux based software system similar to Linux, and is a free and open source software. Using Android we can develop two types of applications Native and Hybrid Applications. JAVA technology is used to develop Android applications as JAVA is platform independent. For developing Android Application Android SDK and Eclipse IDE are required.

Introduction to Android:

  • Overview of Android and Android SDK
  • History of Android
  • Android features

Android Architecture overview and Introduction to OS layers:

  • Linux kernel
  • Libraries
  • Android Runtime
  • Application framework

Setup of Android Development environment :

  • System requirements
  • Eclipse and SDK installation, AVD creation
  • Creating first Android application
  • Project Structure

Android Application Fundamentals:

  • Android application building blocks
  • Activating components
  • Shutting down components
  • LifeCycle of Application
  • Development tools, Manifest File
  • LifeCycle of Activity

User Interface:

  • View Hierarchy and Layouts
  • UI Events
  • Building Menus
  • Notifying users
  • Creating dialogs
  • Graphics & Animations

Main Building Blocks:

  • Activity
  • Intents
  • Services
  • Content Providers
  • Broadcast Receivers


  • Overview of Android Resources
  • Creating Resources
  • Using Resources
  • Drawable Resources
  • Animation Resources

Data Storage:

  • Intents
  • Services
  • Content Providers
  • Broadcast Receivers


  • Shared Preferences
  • Internal Storage (Files)
  • External Storage(SD Card)
  • SQLite Databases

Android Media API:

  • Playing audio/video
  • Blue tooth
  • WiFi
  • TelephonyManager
  • Location Services
  • Google Maps
  • Deploying Android Application on Device

Android Training Objectives

  1. To learn basics of Java programming language such as compilation and running of java program.
  2. To learn Android Operating System and working of Middleware.
  3. To understand the Features of Eclipse IDE
  4. To gain very deep understanding of Android Application Development features.
  5. To develop user interfaces using Android development components.
  6. To develop applications using graphics and animations.
  7. To build database intensive applications using SQLite database.
  8. To develop applications to read  phone & SIM Card details, sending SMS, making calls.
  9. To develop different applications using Google maps to find the particular location
  10. To create applications to access the data from other applications using web services.
  11. To develop  applications to play  audio & video files in mobile device using multimedia.

Institute Overview

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