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When history reaches a turning point, there are those who watch and those who act. We and Our Story are both observers and participants in the making of new education history. What began as a start-up institution, continues to grow and expand–enabling students across the world to live a creative and meaningful life. We are committed to Offer our students exceptional education and value.
Our values define who we are. They are the fundamental beliefs of our organization. The purpose of our existence is to evaluate, expound and showcase the awesome spark of creation in new entrepreneur and changemaker. Every day, each one of us makes choices and decisions that directly affect the way we experience each other and the way our clients and wider communities experience us. Our values give us confidence that we are using the same principles to help us make these decisions throughout our organization.
EduGrowUP has been conceived with the sole objective of bringing technology a step closer to life, more so in the world of education. The identity EduGrowUP in itself is a symbol of our ongoing mission. With over a decade long existence we have been consistently innovating and implementing path breaking ideas. This very objective activated us to build a platform that is available 24 X 7 and is closest to its user. We kept adding on to our strength step by step. Our inflating user database is the proof, which makes us proudly say that we are moving swiftly towards our goal.