Course Listing

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  • Hadoop Course

    Hadoop Course

    - Allahabad

    The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is...

  • Hadoop Training Course

    Hadoop Training Course

    - Nagpur

    About Hadoop Hadoop is an open source distributed framework which is us for data storage of enormous data applications running in clustered system as well as managing data process...

  • Hadoop Training

    Hadoop Training

    - Hyderabad

    Course Duration: 60 Days The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simpl...

  • Spark Training Course

    Spark Training Course

    - Hyderabad

    Course Duration: 45 Days Apache Spark is the open-source big data processing framework which is built around speed, use, and easy analytics. It can easily enable the application...

  • Hadoop Training

    Hadoop Training

    - Hyderabad

    Orien IT offers the best Hadoop Training in Hyderabad program which is in collaboration with Hadoop industry experts. The curriculum in this program is crafted by experts...

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